Full text: Report of the Committee appointed by the Treasury to consider the principles on which charges for certain services rendered by government departments should be assessed

Customs AND Excise DEPARTMENT. 
For Agency services for the Government of Northern Ireland. 
Cost of local services (i.e., estimated cost of staff plus a percentage 
thereon for pensions, together with travelling and miscellaneous 
local expenses) plus a percentage thereon, for headquarters adminis- 
tration, based on the ratio of headquarter to local expenditure. 
Reserved services in Northern Ireland. 
The apportioned net expenditure in Northern Ireland with per- 
centage additions for headquarter administration and for pension 
charges, actual and prospective. 
For special attendance of officers at request of merchants, etc. A flat 
rate to cover the cost of the officer’s time and necessary supervision, 
plus any special expenses incurred, e.g., travelling. 
1. Medical Services, i.e., such services as the treatment of patients 
and the supply of medical and surgical stores and appliances, are pro- 
vided by the Service Departments and the Ministry of Pensions under 
reciprocal agreements which the Committee have not thought it necessary 
to disturb. The same applies to some extent to educational services. 
2. It is not practicable without great expenditure of time and labour 
bo ascertain exactly the total volume and distribution of repayment ser- 
vices; but as a general indication of the limits of the problem it may 
be mentioned that figures supplied to the Committee by the Departments 
principally concerned suggest that the value of goods supplied on repay-- 
ment (apart from professional services rendered) may in an average 
year be put at about £3 millions, of which about £4 million is supplied 
to Exchequer Departments (as defined in the Report, paragraph 2) 
and the balance of £22 millions *f extra-departmentally.”’ 
(6263322) Wt.10361-1139 750 0/97 H.8t OG Ti

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