Full text: Government forest work

10 Circular 211, Dept. of Agriculture 
fumbermen, or the woodworking and allied industries. 
Some of these publications may be had free of charge 
as long as the supply lasts, by applying to the Forest 
Service. Others are sold, usually at a low price, by 
the superintendent of documents, Government Print- 
ing Office, Washington, D. C., from whom price lists 
may be had free on application. 
The Forest Service has a considerable collection of 
photographs showing forest conditions and illustrative 
of forest utilization and forestry generally in all 
parts of the United States. This collection is open 
to the public for inspection. Photographic prints, 
lantern slides, and forest maps are furnished for 
educational purposes, through loan or sale. When 
sold the charge made is required by law to be cost plus 
10 per cent. Prints are furnished for use in illustrat. 
ing material to be published in newspapers or other 
periodicals, and for use in book illustrations. Lantern 
slides and bromide enlargements are also furnished 
for use in educational work by lecturers and schools, 
and for exhibit purposes. The object in every casg is 
to diffuse information concerning forestry. . 
Advice and assistance is given authors and pub- 
lishers of textbooks having to ‘do with forests and 
forestry, if desired. 
Material for use in visual edueation may be bor- 
rowed for short periods without cost, except for trans- 
portation, by schools, libraries, clubs, and other in- 
stitutions or organizations. This material consists of 
traveling exhibits, sets of lantern slides, and motion 
picture films. 
The traveling exhibits include sets of enlarged pho- 
tographs illustrating the subjects of forestry, nature 
study, and farm woodlands, and specimens of com- 
mercial wood species, with maps and other informa- 

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