Full text: Report on the Pacific islands shipping facilities

Brrtise SoLomon IsLANDS. 
The British Solomon Islands are a British Protectorate, comprising a number of islands 
lying to the east of Papua and New Guinea. The Protectorate extends north-west and south-east 
for a distance of 900 miles and north and south for a distance of 430 miles, the largest islands 
being Choiseul, Guadalcanal, Malaita, New Georgia, San Cristoval, and Ysabel. The total area 
of the British Solomon Group is about 11,000 square nautical miles. The Resident Commissioner, 
who 1s subject to the High Commissioner for the Western Pacific, has his head-quarters at Tulagi. 
The population of the Group at the last census was—whites, 493; foreign, 90; and 
natives, 150,000 (estimated). 
The principal product of the Islands is copra, although a quantity of timber, trochus shell, 
and ivory nuts is exported, the quantities for 1924-25 and 1925-26 being as under :— 
Copra .. .. 
T'rochus. . .. 
fvory Nuts =~ .. 
Miscellaneous . 
Timber, super. feet 
Total Exports. 
Exports to 
Total Exports, 
Exports to 
10 105 
General imports, all of which came from Australia, totalled 7,847 tons in 1924-25 and 
0,652 tons in 1925-26 ; timber imported amounted to 294.000 super feet and 386.788 super feet 
respectively for the last two vears. 
In addition to the “ Rabaul-Solomons Service ” referred to under ““ New Guinea,” the 
contract provides for a through mail service, known as the ““ British Solomon Islands Service,” 
alternating at Tulagi with the “ Rabaul-Solomons Service,” of one sailing every six. weeks by 
3.8. Marsina (1,750 tons gross), proceeding from Sydney to Brisbane, Tulagi, Gizo, and Faisi. 
returning to Sydney via the same ports and calling at not less than six other outports in the So'omon 
“iroup approved by the Minister. 
The subsidy in respect of this service is £8,000 per annum, to which the Administration 
of the Solomon Islands contributes £1,800. 
At the present time, however, s.s. Mataram (3,331 tons gross) is providing the Solomon 
[slands with an exclusive service, and as already indicated, the “ Rabaul-Solomons Service ” 
's in abeyance. The itinerary of s.s. Mataram in the Solomons on the occasion of the visit of the 
Joint Committee of Public Accounts was as follows :—Sydney ; Brisbane ; Tulagi ; Makambo ; 
fravutu ; Su-u (Malaita), Rere, Aola, Tenaru, Lunga, Mamara, Lavoro, Domma (Guadalcanal), 
Yandina, Ufa, Faiami, Pepesala, Kaylan (Russell Group) ; Garuhu, S.LR.P., Maringe Lagoon, 
Fara (Ysabel); Tetipari; Rendova; Kenelo; Gizo; Faisi; Gizo : Kaylan, Pepesala, Faiami, West 
Bay, Ufa, Yandina, Loavie (Russell Group) ; Gavutu ; Makambo ; Brisbane ; Sydney. 
On alternate trips the steamer makes the following run :—Sydney, Brisbane, Tulagi, Gavutu, 
Su-u (Malaita) Kau-Kau, Rere, Tenaru, Kookoom (Guadalcanal) ; Yandina, Loavie Somata, 
West Bay, Pepesala (Russell Group); Garuhu (Ysabel), Lilihina, Hawthorn Sound, Stanmore, 
Vila, Salicana (off Choiseul), Jacks Harbour (Kulambangra) ; Gizo; Bagga ; Choiseul Bay; Faisi; 
Tetipari; Somata, West Bay, Pepesala, Faiami, Ufa, Yandina (Russell Group): Gavutu; Tulagi: 
Brisbane; Sydney. 
There are no subsidiary mail contracts in the Solomons, but the following vessels are engaged 
nthe inter-island trade :—8.8. Duranbah (131 tons), owned by W. R. Carpenter and Company 
Solomon Islands) Limited, and s.s. Malanta (186 tons), and auxiliary Maopa (29 tons), owned by 
Burns, Philp (South Sea) Company Limited. In addition there are numerous small auxiliary 
roats owned bv the planters and used in their business. 
New HeBrIDES. 
The New Hebrides, in which are included the Banks and Torres Islands, are situated to 
"he south-east of the British Solomons, about 1,400 miles north-east of Sydney. The Group 
aas 2 total area of 5,700 square miles, and is administered by British and French Resident 
Commissioners, as provided for by the Anglo-French Convention of 1906, and a protocol of 1914, 
‘hese Commissioners being subordinate to the British High Commissioner for the Western Pacific 
and the French High Commissioner at Noumea respectively.

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