Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

ducts the peasants can put by at present in order to sell them on the 
markets of the district towns. 
Surplus products of agriculture in percentage calculation to the gross 
In pre-war time. In 1926/21. 
Flax . 
he. T 
Ibe rapid decline of the marketable surplus products of agriculture 
from the rural market, is the very surest indication of the economic decline 
of an agrarian country. 
When studying the allotment of Russia’s export and import over 
individual countries, one comes — above all things — to the conclusion 
that neither the existence nor the purport of commercial treaties exer- 
cises an important influence on the returns from foreign trade. In the 
»xistence of a foreign trade monopoly the idea of “most favoured” loses 
all significance. The foreign trade organisation (Vneshtorg) — as sole 
>xporter and importer can stop the sale or purchase on the market of a 
:ountry completely without in any way infringing the trade agreement. 
The United States of America, which do not recognise the Soviet govern- 
ment, and obstinately refuse all proposals for the conclusion of a trade 
agreement, have never in their trade with Russia occupied a less important 
position than third place. In the last settlements for the economic year 
1926/27, the largest share of returns falls to Germany with 24.7 0 exports 
and 25.3 o% imports. In respect to the returns, England takes second place, 
and the United States third place. The rupture of diplomatic and com- 
mercial relationship between the U.S.S.R. and England, has only brought 
about a certain limitation in the import from England (about 18.6 95). The 
extent of export to England in 1926/27, on the other hand, in comparison 
with 1925/26 has increased in actual figures (from 187.1 mill. Rbl. to 
197.5 mull. Rbl.). The export to England of the chief articles — timber 
products and naphtha products — continues at present. In spite of the fact 
of being the first country to acknowledge Russia’s foreign trade monopoly 
and to conclude a very favourable commercial treaty with Russia, Italy's 
share in her trade has dropped in the last two years from 3.4 9 to 0.5 0p 
in imports. The hopes which were fixed by Italy on Russia as a likely outlet 
for export goods, have proved as absolutely unjustifiable. Italy occupies a 
place much lower than the United States, which have neither commercial 
ireaties nor agreements with the U.S. S. R. 

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