Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

by the Central Bureau of Labour Statistics*), expenses connected with the 
lodging-rent, form on the average about 4 9% of the total budget of the 
Soviet workmen: i. e. an absolutely insignificant amount. The rent fixed 
for the workmen living in confiscated houses is so low that there cannot 
be any question of amortization or of a normal repair of houses as this 
rent does not even cover the current expenses for maintenance etc. 
Jonsequently, houses in which the workmen are obliged to live are gradually 
crumbling to pieces. Were the Soviet rulers to collect from the workmen 
sums necessary for the support and maintenance of the houses, these sums 
would probably form at least 15 to 20 9% of all expenses of the workmen. 
The real wages would therefore decrease correspondingly compared with 
the pre-revolution period. In other words — even the present not very 
nigh level of the real wages is only possible by using up capital represented 
oy confiscated houses. 
Moreover, as in.recent years the real wages began to approach the pre- 
war level, it became still more evident that wages which were bearable 
for the former private Russian industry, are economically above the means 
of the communistic industry. Hence, the usual talk that the growth of 
wages exceeds the increase in the productivity of labour and that accordingly 
the present level of wages exceeds already the financial possibilities of the 
Soviet industry*¥). 
Working Time. 
The Bolshevics pretend that they alone in the whole world have actually 
realized the 8 hours working day for all categories of workmen without 
iy exception. Data of the official statistics of labour state even that the 
wverage working day in the industry of U.S.S.R. in the year 1927 was 
7, 6 hours. Finally, by a manifesto issued on October 15th 1927, (the 
to years Jubilee of the Soviet Republic) the nation was informed of the 
‘ntroduction of the 7 hours day. This would lead, according to the 
communists, to a new era in the sphere of the social legislation and at the 
same time would draw a sharp line between legislation in U.S.S.R. and 
that of all capitalistic countries. 
As to the above mentioned average norm of 7,6 working hours a day, it 
only proves, as any other average figure does, that one lot of workmen 
must have worked above this morm and the other less. Taking into con- 
*) Pravda No. 178, 7th August, 1927. 
*¥) See the interesting remarks made on this subject in the report of the President 
of the Supreme Council of the National Economy-Kouibishew: “About the develop- 
ment of the cost of production in industry” read at the second plenary meeting of 
the S.C.N.E. of U.S.S.R., August 13th, 1927. Published in the Commercial 
and Industrial Gazette No. 184, 14th August 1927. 
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