Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

The Soviet Rulers 
in Relation to the Nations of the World. 
By Joseph Bickermann. 
CONTENTS: The Bolshevics’ Endeavours at World-Rule; Their Corrupting In- 
fluence; Propaganda is indispensable for the Bolshevics; They live on the former 
Greatness of Russia; Russian Bolshevism cannot exist without World-Bolshevism; 
The World will recover from Bolshevism, — Russia's Recovery will follow; Europe 
dare not fail to participate in Russia's Struggle for Liberation. 
"Te position of the Moscow Rulers among the Governments of other 
countries presents an unprecedented and, at first sight, an enigmatical 
phenomenon. Never before did a government so frankly claim a world- 
mastery; never has any one yet made so brutal an attempt on a people's 
right to live a life it had worked out for itself through centuries; never 
had that yet been so defiantly rejected what centuries and thousands of 
years had created, — from frontiers and laws, to faith and innermost 
emotions of a man’s or a peoples soul. The Moscow rulers acknowledge but 
one end and aim to which all people on earth without exception should 
aspire: viz., Communism, and but one all-saving order: that of the Soviets. 
To replace the various national flags by their own red one, which should 
be the only one for the whole of our planet, — this is the direct problem 
the Bolshevics have set themselves to solve; this is what they are longing for, 
and in their present condition cannot do but long for. Nevertheless the 
peoples of Europe, and for the matter of that, of the whole world suffer 
them, nay, more than suffer, — in one way or the other, to this or that 
extent, — they support them; only a few turn awav from the Bolshevics. 
and not one takes action against them. 
Of all the constitutions existing now or having ever existed, only that 
of the Soviets lovingly opens its arms to “all! all”, plotting in anticipation 
of annexing to the Soviet Union any country made happy by the Soviet 
system; the frontiers of the Soviet Empire are open to one and all, and 
are to close only then, when the entire humanity will be languishing under 
the Bolshevic burden. But, as no one has ever been known to place his 
neck under the yoke voluntarily, the Soviet rulers do not wait to be looked 
for. Wherever there is bloodshed, or wherever it may occur; wherever a 
revolt is raging, or may be aroused; wherever there is rottenness and 
decay, — there the black hand of the Soviet is at work. In China and 
Morocco, in Mexico and on the Balkan Staates, in Hamburg, Sofia, Vienna 
or Java and in India, in the coal districts of Great Britain, — everywhere 
the fire has been kindled and blown high by Moscow’s emissaries. Europe 

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