Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

is not yet conquered, but the Moscow rulers, nevertheless, even now keep 
their garrisons in all the capitals, in all the seaports, in all the industrial 
centres. No matter that their garrisons exist under the name of communistic 
“cells” and communistic youth associations, this fact only intensifies their 
destructive effect. Unlike a normal garrison, these hired bands paid by 
money squeezed out of the oppressed Russian people, are acting uninterrupt- 
edly by all imaginable means: by means of malicious and debauching 
words, by bribery, by forgery, by pistols, by disease-bacillus. They act, being 
certain of remaining unpunished; for, let the local powers but lay their 
hands on one of them when caught red-handed, — their protectors and 
employers in Moscow will ostensibly put any citizen of the respective coun- 
tries who should happen to be about, under lock and key, and the bargaining 
for an exchange will begin. The descendants of the present Europeans will 
be amazed to read that even such barbaric usages as taking hostages was 
tolerated by their enlightened ancestors. 
Through the communistic “cells” — these inflamed and mflammatory 
centres — the influence of the Moscow chiefs is spread in wide and ever 
widening circles, in the first instance — among the workmen. The sense of 
reality fostered among them by the leading circles of European people as 
well as by their own leaders during long years of strenuous efforts, is 
noticeably abating everywhere although the degree of its decrease varies 
from country to country. He who closely follows contemporaneous politics 
will himself be able to point out those countries where the working classes 
are continually moving towards the “left”, which means that they evermore 
enstrange themselves from the concrete reality. And the leaders themselves 
are obliged to yield and to promote this process, under the pressure of the 
Bolshevic agents who promise anything in order to get possession of every- 
thing. Even in Great Britain, with her doubltlessly maturest of working 
class, where labour organisations energetically decline to permit the Bolshevic 
hand to touch their own affairs, in general politics, even there the worker 
lent its support to Moscow: the fouled-nest has become a trumpcard in the 
mner-political struggle, and that is not the case in England only. 
But the corruptive Bolshevic influence reaches far beyond the circles 
of the working classes, and even further than political matters. Wherever 
there are luckless beings, wherever people long for changes, whether from 
want or from over-feeding, wherever idle thoughts and superficiality 
abide, — there the Bolshevics possess true faithful friends. The imagination 
is continually incited by the very fact that in a huge country the last have 
become the first, the scum, the dregs of society, the jailbirds, have risen 
to the surface and are feasting their fill for already ten years, — they 
destroy — they seem even to construct, — they throw out a challenge to 
the whole world and plan to conquer it. Thousands upon thousands of 

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