Full text: Ten Years of the bolshevic domination

any time be disturbed in one of its corners! And a disturbance of peace 
does threaten, in the first place, there where the fate of a great people is 
directed by men who, owing to their hopeless ignorance and to the doctrine 
they espouse, consider themselves having been called upon to rule the whole 
world. This ought to be clear to every one. 
These lines had not yet been printed when time brought with it new 
material which is sure to convince those who still believe in the evolution 
of the Bolshevics. Read the account of the session of the VI Congress of 
the 3rd International which took place in Moscow during the second half of 
July, 1928, and later. Read the speech of Bucharin, of this great 
Soviet authority, who is at the same time a member of the “political 
bureau” which actually rules Russia at present. Very expressive are even 
the headings of different paragraphs of this extensive speech. 
We shall mention some of the headings: — “Contradictions of 
Capitalism are developing themselves in the acutest way’, that means 
in Marx's idiom that explosion of the capitalistic world is near. Another 
heading: “Under the flag of preparation for the war’. Third: — 
“Questions of the revolution in colonies and semi-colonies.”” Fourth: 
“New processes in India.” Fifth: “Our essential problems and defects.” 
What do you suppose these defects are? It appears that internationality is 
not sufficiently intensive enough in the 3rd International! “When the 
military problem becomes a central one, chief attention must be drawn to 
the question of the international education... we no doubt have obtained 
rather significant results in the Bolshevisation of the communistic party, we 
have made rather important conquests, we can state the growth of our 
influence, we have ideologically gained new territories for communism. 
Nevertheless, the intensity of the internationality of the communistic party 
is still too small when compared with the tasks of the Communistic inter- 
national and its sections.” Examples of this insufficiency are also men- 
tioned: — “During the strike in England many parties (i. e. the com- 
munistic party in many countries. J. B.) had not rendered a sufficient 
help to the English workmen with exception of a few parties with R.C.P. 
‘Russian communistic party) at the head, all others had not sufficiently 
supported the English proletariat.” And another transgression: “such 
events as the attack of U.S.A. of Nicaragua had not evoked a sufficient 
reaction on the part of the American party”, i. e. the communistic party 
in America. 
Sixth heading: “Tactics of a common front — only from below”, 
and that means the following: “The last conclusion of this tactical line 
is a course towards the explosion of the bourgeois state government, a 
course towards the revolution.” Seventh: “The work in the trade-unions 
— a very important problem’, not in the Russian trade-unions. natu- 
9 J

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