Ethics and Economics
We shall see how, by political means, we are rob-
bing ourselves of the very things that are offered to
us by the politicians.
The problem can be stated in plain, unvarnished
terms in a few sentences. We are suffering from a
surplus of labour and a shortage of wealth. In
these circumstances we all of us devote the major
part of our energies to the quest for new ways of
limiting, restricting, regulating, and restraining the
individual actions of man and the production of
wealth, with the natural result that the surplus of
labour gets greater and the shortage of wealth gets
more acute. If we reverse our policy, dismiss
politics from our minds; and all of us dedicate our-
selves to activity and the production of wealth, we
could arrive, and arrive very quickly, at a condition
of affairs in which there was a shortage of labour
and a surplus of wealth. The economic condition
of the world could be changed completely were we
but willing to understand that it is the absence of
things which produces poverty. So long as we
insist upon making the production of things more
and more difficult it is not only useless but stupid to
complain of poverty.