Full text: The sources of public utility capital

Bulletin No. 1—TIllinois Taxes in 1921. 8 pages. (Out of print.) 
Bulletin No. 2—Illinois State Revenue, 1895-1920. 12 pages. (Oui 
of print.) 
Bulletin No. 3—The Tax Rates of Illinois Cities in 1921. 16 pages. 
(Out of print.) 
Bulletin No. 4—Books About Shoes. 20 pages. (Out of print.) 
Bulletin No. 5—Methods of Training Employees in Stores of Mod- 
erate Size. 20 pages. (Out of print.) 
Bulletin No. 6—Books About Books. 28 pages. 
Bulletin No. 7—The Statistical Characteristics of Bookstore Sales. 
32 pages. (Out of print.) 
Bulletin No. 8—The Method of Analyzing Business Data. 46 pages. 
(Out of print.) 
Bulletin No. 9—The Current Ratio in Public Utility Companies. 28 
Bulletin No. 10—The Productivity Ratios of Public Utility Companies. 
32 pages. 
Bulletin No. 11—The Natural Business Year. 28 pages. 
Bulletin No. 12—State Expenditures in Illinois, 1895-1924. 14 pages 
Bulletin No. 13—The Disposition of Income in Public Utility Com- 
panies. 42 pages. 
Bulletin No. 14—1llinois Appropriations for Social and Educational 
Purposes. 13 pages. 
Bulletin No. 15—The Earning Power Ratios of Public Utility Com- 
panies. 44 pages. 
Bulletin No. 16—The Nature of Cyclical Flucuations in Electric Power 
Production Data. 48 pages. 
Bulletin No. 17-—Chicago as a Money Market. 61 pages. 
Bulletin No. 18—Property Investments in Public Utility Companies. 
38 pages. 
Builetin No. 19—The Automobile and the Village Merchant. 42 pages. 
Bulletin No. 20—The Sources of Public Utility Capital. 52 pages.

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