Full text: Our industrial problems

It wmiet be illegal tor any luilviduai ems 
pleyer, or for any scction of employees, 
to seels to make any alteration as to wages, 
hours of employment, or other working 
nonditions without first ascertaining, by 
means of a secret ballot, the wishes of the 
whole of the employers or employees (as 
the case may be) who are engaged in that 
particular trade within the district. 
In order to participate in profits, every 
employee would have to register under a 
trade with the central authority, and the 
amount due to each at the end of the 
trading period could be ascertained most 
simply by the adoption of the tote system. 
The Future. 
I have shown how, where the working 
ponditions of the employee are the em- 
ployer’s first and personal consideration, 
friction and industrial disputes are brought 
to a miniamm. or are entirely done away 
Our Industrial Problems. 
with, and that where welfare work 1s car: 
ried on increased efficiency and increased 
profits are the invariable result. This is 
not merely an opinion, but an established 
fact. If, then, to this is added a profit- 
sharing basis of business where the em- 
ployce has also a great personal incen- 
tive to do his best to make a success of 
sommercial enterprise, you arrive at a 
standard of industrial relationship where 
the well-being of the industry and the well- 
being of the individual are inseparable. 
Once welfare work ‘is recognised as the 
rule, and not as the exception, the great 
majority of cmployees will be on the 
side of the employer, and will volun- 
tarily repudiate strikes, ca canny tactics, 
and the degrading tyranny of the open 
ballot, and, by their influence, will compel 
the discontented minority, the agitator, 
and the propagandist of class-hatred “and 
commercial stagnation, to come in or to 
wet out—of Australia. 
— — 
Short Stories and 
Are a regular feature of 
“The Western Mail” 
The Editor is always pleased to receive these, particular- 
ly when they have a Western Australian or Common- 
wealth setting and are brightly written.

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