Full text: Our industrial problems

reduction of unemployment would provide 
a satisfactory atmosphere for the pursuit 
of the recommendations for the direct at- 
tack upon the problem. These mav be 
summarised as:— 
{i} The disclosing of greater informa 
tion to workers, 
ii) Works committees. 
iii) The surrender by unions of their 
ambitious socialisation plans. - 
(iv) Adoption of profit sharing schemes, 
[v)} Greater attention to scientific ad- 
ministration in business. 
These measures involve a surrender by 
employers and workers of some powers 
that they have hitherto assumed as their 
prerogative. But trade unionism would 
remain as a powerful force in industrial 
organisation, though its policy would be- 
comie one of constructive co-operation, 
Our Industrial Problems. 
without loss of bargaining power. Tha 
financier and employer would retain their 
positions as administrators and directors 
of industrial activity; but would exercise 
their powers after consultation with ems 
ployees. The change would proceed step 
by step, and no uniform machinery need 
be considered for its.adoption. The Arbi- 
tration Act provides for the Torin 
of any agreements that are reached base 
tween employers and employed. Under 
this provision works cominittees could be 
established, and systems for sharing net 
garnings initiated. Thus the machinery 
for making a start is already at hand. 
Used in such a way, the system of arbi- 
tration would become less and less a 
hattle ground for legal dispute and more 
and more what it was intended to be—a 
means for permanently improving induse 
trial relationa. 
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