Full text: Safety and production

Per cent 
Bbls. per $1 of wages ..... 
Manufactured Ice 
Tons per $100 of wages ... 
Cast-iron Pipe 
Tons per $100 of wages ... 
Fertilizer Mig, 
Tons per $100 of wages ... 32.48 46.12 42.0 
also by the following figures taken from the January, 1927, issue of 
the Monthly Labor Review of the United States Bureau of Labor 
Statistics : 
2.79 13.9 
Per cent in- 
crease in 
per man-hour 
for 1925 over 
Rubber tires ........ 
Automobiles ............... 
Petroleum refining .......... 
Cement manufacturing .. 
Steel works ........ 
Flour milling ......... 
Paper and pulp .......... 
Cane-sugar refining ......... ....... 
Slaughtering and meat packing ......... 
Leather tanning ..... 
Boots and shoes ... 
The tollowing figures compiled by the United States Department of 
Commerce for all industries show changes between 1919 and 1925 
as follows: 
[ncrease in physical volume of products ... 28.6 per cent 
Increase in primary horse-power ............... ......... 21.8 “ 
Decrease in number of persons engaged ........... ....... 86 ie 
[ncrease in production per person engaged ................. 40.7 “ 
Increase in primary horse-power per person engaged......... 33.3 “ 
Data indicating the same general facts have been compiled by the 
National Industrial Conference Board. 
This increased efficiency of production has been secured mainly 
through organization, standardization, mechanization, and better rela- 
sions between labor and management. It will be recognized how thor- 
oughly characteristic of American industry of the present day these 
four conditions are, namely: (1) industrial organization and manage- 
ment on a large scale, (2) a thoroughgoing standardization of products 
and processes, making possible mass production, (3) the replacement 
of man-power by automatic machinery. The extent to which mechani-

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