Full text: Safety and production

The following 16 industrial groups had decreases in both the acci- 
dent frequency and severity rates: 
Acids and Heavy Chemicals 
Agricultural Implements 
Bleaching and Dyeing 
Electric Light and Power 
Electric Railways 
The following 9 industrial groups had increases in both the fre- 
quency and severity rates: 
Brass, Bronze and Copper 
Cotton Goods 
Fine Specialty Machines 
Decreases in the frequency rate were accompanied by increases in 
the severity rate in the following 6 industrial groups: 
Building Construction Iron and Steel 
Cranes and Hoists Machine Tools 
Hardware Wood working Products 
Increases in the frequency rate were accompanied by decreases in 
he severity rate in the following 7 industrial groups: 
Boots and Shoes 
Carpets and Rugs 
Cutlery and Hand Tools 
Comparison of Production and Accident Rates.—The following 9 
industrial groups show increases in the production rate accompanied 
by decreases in both the accident frequency and severity rates. These 
9 groups are 56 per cent of all the industrial groups which experienced 
decreases in both accident frequency and severity rates. 
Agricultural Implements Paper Boxes 
Bleaching and Dyeing Paper, Pulp and Paper Products 
Cement Sheet-metal Products 
Machine-building and Metal- Tobacco By-products 
working Wrapping Paper 
Two groups show decreases in the production rate accompanied by 
increases in both the accident frequency and severity rates, viz., fine 
specialty machines and textile.

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