Arkwright, 307
Artesian wells, 183, 184
Ashland, iron port, 65; lumber, 140
Ashokan Reservoir, 189
Ashtabula, 65
Asia, 384-401; Arabia, 388; China,
395-397; East Indies, 394-395;
India, 389-393 (392, map); Indo-
China, 393, 394; Japan, 398; ori-
ental trade with America, 398-400;
Persia, 388, 389; physical features,
384; Siberia, 383, 400, 401; Turkey
in Asia, 385-387 (map, 387); types
of commercial development, 384,
Asphaltites, 164, 163
Assam, 389; tea in, 391
Aswan dam, 415
Astoria, 151
Astrakhan, 381
Athens, 367
Atlanta, cotton mill at, 30
Atlantic Ocean, cables, 252, 253; coast,
lights of, 263; fisheries, 151; physi-
cal features, 113; ports, in United
States, 223; trade, 275; trunk route
of, 24%
Atlantic period of commerce, 444, 445
Auburn, New York, agricultural im-
plements in, 214
Audubon societies, 150
Australia, 402-410; agriculture, 408;
beef, 49; cable to, 253; cheese, 56;
cities, 409,410; coal, 88; commercial
conditions, 403, 404; government,
404; grazing, 407, 408; manufac-
tures, 410; market for United States,
410; minerals, 409; physical fea-
tures, 402; population, 403; rail-
ways and ocean routes, 406; rain-
fall, 402, 403; sheep, 408; social
conditions, 404,405; telegraph lines,
407; trade, 410; transportation,
405-407 ; wheat, 19; “white Aus-
tralia,”405 ; wool, 407
Austria, 369,373—374 ; central Danube
basin, 370
Austria-Hungary, 369, 383
Automobile, effect in securing roads,
241; as farm vehicle, 241, 242
Azores, 166
Bagdad, 387, 388
Bahamas, 434
Bahia Blanca, 429
Baku, petroleum of, 164, 378
Balance of trade, 275
Balkan region, 382, 383
Baltic lowland, 335
Baltimore, conditions of growth, 223;
foreign trade, 27 5; position, 113, 114
Baltimore and Ohio Railway, 223,
224, 231
Bananas, 279, 434, 435
Bangkok, 393
Banking, 259, 260
Banks of Newfoundland, 325
Barcelona, 364, 429; coaling station, 87
Barge Canal, of New York, 223, 236,
Barley, 123, 124; in England, 306;
for malt liquors, 124; yield per
acre, 121 ’
Barmen, 343
Barranquilla, 433
Barre, Vermont, granites of, 169
Barrows, H. H., map from, 115
Basel, 355, 356
Bavarian highland, 335
Bay City, lumber market, 140
Bedford limestone, 170
Beef. (See cattle industries)
Bees, 154, 155
Beet sugar, central Europe, 339;
compared with cane, 341; France,
323; Germany, 338; production, in
United States, 132
Beira, 420
Beirut, 386, 387
Belfast, 316
Belfort, 321
3elgium, 333, 334; commerce, 334;
diamond cutting, 334; language,
333; minerals, 333; population, 333
Belle Fourche (irrigation) project, 197
Berea grit, 173; sandstone, 16a
Bergen, 351, 444
Berlin, 336, 356; conference on parti-
tion of Africa, 414; railway center,
340, 342, 343
Bermuda, 320
Bern, Loetschburg Tunnel from, 357;
office of Postal Union, 251
Bessemer, Sir Henry, 69
Bethlehem, 387
Bethlehem Steel Company, in Cuba,
Beverage plants, 133-133
Bicycle, effect on roads, 241
Bilboa. 2673