Full text: Commercial geography

Metric system, 257 
Meuse River, 322 
Mexico, 436-439; agriculture, 437; 
forests, 437; mining, 437; products, 
164, 436, 437; silver, 176; trade 
with United States, 278, 279 
Michigan, coal, 85; copper, 176,177; 
gypsum, 167; iron ores, 61; 
peaches, 128; Portland cement, 
172; salt, 165; sugar beet, 132, 
133; wood pulp, 141 
Middlesbrough, 87 
Midland coal basin, 87 
Milan, on plains of the Po, 357, 361; 
routes from north, 356, 357 
Military service in Germany, 346 
Milk supply of cities, 49 
Mill, H. R., quoted, 83 
Millet, for cattle, 43; in India, 391 
Milwaukee, 226; lumber market, 140 
Mineral industries of the United 
States, 160-179; abrasives, 173; bi- 
tumens, 164, 165; building stones, 
167-170; cements, 170-172; clays, 
172, 173; copper, 176, 177; dis- 
tribution of minerals, 160; exhaus- 
tible minerals, 161; fertilizers, 167; 
glass, 173, 174; gold, 174-176; 
graphite, 173; lead, 177; mercury, 
178 ; metallic and nonmetallic min- 
erals, 174; natural gas, 164; pe- 
troleum, 161-164; precedence of 
United States, 178, 179; salt, 165, 
166; silver, 176; surveys, 179; tin, 
177; uses of minerals, table, 178; 
zine, 177. (See coal and iron} 
Mineral raw materials, 95 
Mineral waters, 200, 201 
Minerals, of Canada, 291, 292; of 
Germany, 336 
Mines, Bureau of, 261 
Minneapolis, flour milling, 9; flour 
milling localized, 203 ; lumber. 140: 
mills at, 10 
Minnesota, flax, 137; iron ores, 61 
63; wheat breeding, 2 
Mississippi basin, 114-116: rainfall 
of, 116 
Mississippi delta, map, 274 
Mississippi River, traffic on, 231, 232 
Mississippi River Commission, 262 
Missouri, coal, 83; corn, 123; lead, 
177; poultry, 148; zinc, 177 
Missouri River Commission, 262 
Mobile, 275 
Mocha, 388 
Mohawk River, canalized, 239 
Mombasa, 413, 420, 421 
Money, 259 
Mongolia, 397 
Monongahela River, canalized, 239 
Montana, coal, 84; copper, 176, 177; 
gold, 1735; sheep, 146; silver, 176 
Mont Blanc, 353 
Mont Cenis Tunnel, 321, 358 
Montenegro, 382 
Montreal, 296, 297, 299, 300, 301, 330 
Montreux, 354 
Moravia, 373 
Mormons, irrigation by, 195; settle- 
ments of, 118 
Morocco, 414 
Moscow, 381, 382 
Moselle River, 76, 322, 325 
Vlulberry trees, 323; in Italy, 361 
Muncie, Indiana, glass center, 213 
Munich, 340, 343, 356 
Museums, 267 
Nantes, 321, 327, 328, 329 
Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, 80 
Naples, 361, 363; coaling station, 87; 
market for hides and skins, 156 
Natal, 418 
National forests, 143, 144 
National Road, the, 230, 231; built 
by government, 264 
Natural gas, 164 
Nebraska, coal, 83; corn, 123 
Nelson River, basin of, 115 
Netherlands, the, 347-349; agricul- 
ture, 348; colonies, 349; exports, 
348; resources, 348; trade with 
United States, 283 
Nevada, gold, 175; silver, 176 
New Bedford, Massachusetts, 204 
New Brunswick, agriculture in, 293 
Newcastle, coal, 85; coal field, 87; 
iron, 75 
Newell, F. H., quoted, 196 
New England, coastal lowland of, 113; 
cotton manufacture, 30; railways, 
233; wood pulp, 141 
Newfoundland fishing banks, 151, 290, 
New Haven, England, 312 
New Jersey, cities of northern part, 
228; cranberries, 128; glass, 174, 
212; peaches, 128; Portland ce- 
ment, 172: pottery, 213; waters, 194

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