Full text: War & insurance

( 11 ) 
[nfluence of the War upon Japanese Transportation, by Mr, Matsuoka. 
[nfluence of the War upon Japanese Finance and the Money Market, by 
Mr. Ono. 
Social Influence of the War upon Japan, by Mr. Kobayashi. 
The Rural Revolution in Rumania and South-eastern Europe, by 
D. Mitrany. 
Economic Consequences of the War in Rumania : 
The Effect of the Enemy Occupation of Rumania, by Dr. G. Antipa. 
The Effect of the War upon Public Health in Rumania, by Professor J. 
Rumanian War Finance, by M. Vintila Bratianu. 
Rumanian Agriculture during the War, by Mr. Innescu Sisesti. 
Rumanian Industry during the War, by Mr. Busila. 
The Effect of the War upon Rumanian Economic Life (volume to be 
(To the Bolshevik Revolution) 
Effects of the War upon Government and National Finances in Russia : 
Effects of the War upon the Central Government. by Professor Paul P. 
State Finances during the War, by Mr. Alexander M. Michelson. 
Russian State Credit during the War, by Mr. Paul N. Apostol. 
Currency in Russia during the War, by Professor Michael V. Bernadsky. 
Municipalities and Zemstvos during the War : 
The Zemstvos in Peace and War, by Prince J. Lvoff. 
Effect of the War upon Russian Municipalities, and the All-Russian 
Union of Towns, by Mr. N. IL. Astroff. 
The Zemstvos, the All-Russian Union of the Zemstvos and the Zemgor, 
by Prince Vladimir A. Obolensky and Mr. Sergius P. Turin. 
The War and the Psychology of the Zemstvos Workers, by Mr. Isaak V. 
Effects of the War upon the Co-operative Movement in Russia : 
Effect of the War upon Agricultural Co-operation and Co-operative 
Credit, by Professor A. N. Anziferoff. 
Effect of the War upon Consumers’ Co-operative Societies, by Professor 
Eugene M. Kayden. 
The Russian Army in the World War: a study in social history, by 
General Nicholas N. Golovine. 
Rural Economy in Russia and the War, by Professor A. N. Anziferoff, 
Professor Alexander Bilimovitch, and Mr. D. N. Ivantsor. 
Effect of the War upon Landholding and Settlement in Russia, by 
Professor Alexander D. Bilimovitch and Professor V. A. Kossinsky. 
Problem of Food Supply in Russia during the War, by Professor Peter B. 
State Control of Industry in Russia during the War, by Mr. Simon O. 

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