Full text: War & insurance

The publication of the monographs is being carried forward under the 
general direction of Yale University: Press, in co-operation with other 
publishers in other countries. Each of the volumes as published is thus 
made available not only through the national publisher. but through each 
of the other publishers in other countries. 
The following volumes are now ready, or will be ready shortly : 
Guide to American Sources for the Economic History of the War, by 
Mr. Waldo G. Leland and Dr. Newton ID. Mereness. 
The History of French Industry during the War, by M. Arthur Fontaine. 
(In German) 
Bibliographie der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte des Weltkrieges, by 
Othmar Spann. 
Das Geldwesen im Kriege, by Dr. Alexander von Popovics. 
Die Kohlenversorgung Osterreichs wihrend des Krieges, by Emil von 
Die Regelung der Arbeitsverhiltnisse im Kriege, by Ferdinand Hanusch. 
Die #ussere Wirtschaftspolitik Osterreich-Ungarns. bv Dr. Gustav Gratz 
and Professor Dr. Richard Schiiller. 
Osterreichische Regierung und Verwaltung im Kriege, by Minister a. D. 
Professor Dr. Josef Redlich. 
Die Regelung der Volksnidhrung im Kriege, by Dr. Hans Lowenfeld-Russ. 
Studien iiber Volksgesundheit und Krieg; eine Reihe von Monographien, 
verfasst von den Doktoren J. Bokay, B. Breitner, C. Economo, 
A. Edelmann, H. Elias, E. Finger, C. Helly, J. Hockauf, K. Kas- 
sowitz, C. Kirchenberger, G. Schacher], J, Steiner, R. Wagner, unter 
der Leitung von Professor Dr. Clemens Pirquet. 
Beleian Series 
(In French) 
[activité législative et juridique allemande en Belgique pendant I’occupa- 
tion de 1918 A 1924, by Marcel Vauthier and Jacques Pirenne. 
Le ravitaillement de la Belgique pendant occupation allemande, by 
Albert Henry. : 
Le Secours-Chomage en Belgique pendant 1’occupation allemande, by M. 
Ernest Mahaim. 
(In English) 
Allied Shipping Control : An Experiment in International Administration, 
by J. A. Salter, C.B. 
War Government of the British Dominions, by Arthur Berriedale Keith, 
D.C.L.. D.Litt.

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