Full text: War & insurance

obligation was therefore placed upon the Division of Economics 
and History. It was obliged to concentrate its work upon the 
problem thus presented, and to study it as a whole; in other 
words, to apply to it the tests and disciplines of history. Just 
as the War itself was a single event, though penetrating by seem- 
ingly unconnected ways to the remotest parts of the world, so 
the analysis of it must be developed according to a plan at once 
all embracing and yet adjustable to the practical limits of the 
available data. 
During the actual progress of the War, however, the execution 
of this plan for a scientific and objective study of war economics 
proved impossible in any large and authoritative way. Incidental 
studies and surveys of portions of the field could be made and were 
made under the direction of the Division, but it was impossible to 
undertake a general history for obvious reasons. In the first place, 
an authoritative statement of the resources of belligerents bore 
directly on the ‘conduct of armies in the field. The result was to 
remove as far as possible from scrutiny those data of the economic 
life of the countries at war which would ordinarily, in time of 
peace, be readily available for investigation. In addition to this 
difficulty of consulting documents, collaborators competent to 
deal with them were for the most part called into national service 
in the belligerent countries and so were unavailable for research. 
The plan for a war history was therefore postponed until condi- 
tions should arise which would make possible not only access to 
essential documents but also the co-operation .of economists, 
historians, and men of affairs in the nations chiefly concerned, 
whose joint work would not be misunderstood either in purpose 
or in content. 
Upon the termination of the War the Endowment once 
more took up the original plan, and it was found with but 
slight modification to be applicable to the situation. Work was 
begun in the summer and autumn of 1919. In the first place 
a final conference of the Advisory Board of Economists of the

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