Full text: Internal revenue laws in force April 1, 1927

March 1, 1913 (37 Stat., 699) . ccc... 1093 
March 3, 1913 (37 Stat., 73%) c cccecceecee 71 
March 3, 1913 (37 Stat., 734) cc cecae cacao 819 
March 4, 1913 (37 Stat., 750) _ oo __..co_._. 213 
March 4, 1913, section 4 (37 Stat., 790) .._..--- 1432 
March 4, 1913 (87 Stat., 1016)... cocceeeaaon 73,110 
May 1, 1913, section 3 (38 Stat., 3) oc cue. 1420 
Duieber 3; Avis (38 Stat., 114) (“Tariff Act of 
Section II (pars. A-N)__..__....__..... 789-809 
Section I” (par. N) (extract) cceceeeeaao-- 4 
Section IV. "oi emeiieccccemeao—a-n 90F 
Section IV emmeceiememmuneeeaama——a I 
Section IV subsection 2. _____..... 126,” 
Section IV, J. 
Savion IV, ..emiissnguepmrpmessgesesme 
October 3, 1913, section 2 (38 Stat., 177) ..—--- 
October 22, 1913 (38 Stat., 208) coo cceecomenn 
October 22, 1913 (38 Stat., 212) ceeccvamacaan =. 
January 17, 1914, sections 1-6 (38 Stat., 277). 36¢ 70 
January 20, 1914 (38 Stat., 278) cece cccacanaaan 25 
April 6, 1914, section 5 (38 Stat., 335) cece... 1284 
July 16, 1914, section 5 (38 Stat., 508) ..cnn-.-. 12890 
July 18, 1914 (38 Stat. 517). comcecmeecacouaun 494 
August 1, 1914 (38 Stat., 621) oc cemna-a 2 
August 1, 1914 (38 Stat., 680): 
Section 1C._... cmwmme: mmmmmemmeaa—-ae 1426 
Section 12... ceceeecccaccaccecccnannoaana 1286 
October 15, 1914, sections 21-25 (38 Stat., 
TEL ce cw i pi pom RS gS Sm wae: SARS -L DL] 
Dctober 22, 1914, section 2 (38 Stat., 746) ._. 278,279 
december 17, 1914 (38 Stat., 785): 
Sections 1-12..___.... cmeme---- 350-361 
Section 1 (extract)... ceemmenaaa 148 
Section 7 (eXtract) ceececcccoccmcancanaran 47 
December 23, 1914 (38 Stat., 790) cccccnaneea.. . 83 
fanuary 28, 1915 (38 Stat., 803) .ccccunaue.- 1173, 1187 
January 28, 1915 (38 Stat., 804) c—ncececcameeaa 
March 3, 1915 (38 Stat., 893)... -cccceee- 
March 4, 1915 (38 Stat., 1008)... ccmeamcnee 
March 4, 1915 (38 Stat., 101%) ooo ccenmmcaneae 
March 4, 1915, section 4 (38 “tat., 1161) ._.... 
March 4, 1915 (38 Stat., 1189) Cm mm——— 
February 28, 1916 (39 Stat 
March 21, 1916 (39 Stat., © — 
April 27, 1916 (39 Stat., & RR 
May 10, 1916 (39 Stat., 6t *. de 
May 10, 1916 (39 Stat., 87) cc curaccrnenna 40, 
May 10, 1916, section 6 (39 Stat., 120) ........ 28% 
May 18, 1916 (39 Stat., 124) oc ooouenna. 086 
May 18, 1916, section 11 (39 Stat., 162) __..... [448 
June 22, 1916 (39 Stat., 233) ceo cccmenooan 2F7 
July 1, 1916, section 3 (39 Stat., 336) ......._.. 12¢. 
July 8, 1916 (39 Stat., 354)... ooo... 26° 
August 11, 1916, sections 1-22 (39 Stat., 476) .376-384 
August 23, 1916 (39 Stat., 532) cece cccmomnaoo 1127 
August 29, 1916 (39 Stat., 587) ccc cccamoooana. 1285 
August 29, 1916 (39 Stat., 624) ________._._._... 1278 
September 6, 1916 (39 Stat., 726) eeeoccmeean-~ 1183 
September 7, 1916 (39 Stat., 742) (“ Compensa- 
tion Act”): 
Sections ! 7 memmnma- 1377-138€ 
Section 32. __. iceman. 1386 
+ Sections 3561  cceocicmaeaeeamanana 1387-1388 
September 8, 1916 (39 Stat.. 756) (‘Revenue 
Act of 19167"): 
Sections 1-25..... sme TOO T55 
Sections 200-2 4a cevevccacnncamcaca-an- 872-878 
Sections 300-312. cenccccceoemceeaa-- 481-474 
Section 40" cccccmmemeafe. 215 
Section 4C1__ i ccema_~ M35 
Section 402... __.... I, 95 
Sections 403-405. cc cee eecceeccemmcmmeae 0 
3eCtiON 40R eee eeece- oamccammemmeaameen uF 
3eCtion 40 uv coiccemmcecceecamccceeeaaa 160,1 
3ection 407 on. © Ccmmcmcccmmmmmmaea- = 123, 
Section 400. eemm————— 
Section 41 eemcceenmmanaa 128,17 
Section 4] ... pis neannnen ody 10 
Section 41. _.. eee memes 124,107 
Section 47% cc ce.  cevemcmmmemeem eae 43,1007 
Section 90u.__.... cmcmmmmmema--= 1008 
Section 902. cee omeeeememaa-aoe 1008 
September 8,:1916, section 4 (39 Stat., 830) ._. 1427 
February 5, 1917, section 26 (39 Stat., 894).... 1083 
february 14, 1917, sections 1-33 (39 Stat., 904) 
(‘“ Alaska Prohibition Law’) ______.___ 1080-1068 
March 2, 1917 (39 Stat., 952): 
Section 2. ...__..... cememmceedemman 1089 
Bootion B. ..c.nvnensogemsnnansmmsufonsen BHD 
March 2, 1917 (39 Stat., 970): 
Section 1. cee iemccceccnccnnadeaa-ae 1085 
Section 17. oo eeeaeeecfeeaaa- 1086 
March 3, 1917 (39 Stat., 1000): 
Section 300. ........ rememmcmaqmeeeeee 871 
Section 801. ooo ccnemacanabeneaeee 872 
March 8, 1917, section 5 (39 Stat., 1069) ..._.. 1094 
March 3, 1917 (39 Stat., 1081) ce ccuoadaaao-._. 1320 
March 3, 1917 (39 Stat., 1106)... oc cieeoeo.. 1285 
March 3, 1917, sections 1-25 (39 Stat., 1123) 
(“D. C. Prohibition Law’) ........._. 1072-1081 
April 24, 1917, section 1 (40 Stat., 35).-..-..-- 1001 
May 18, 1917, section 12 (40 Stat.. 82) _.._.._.. 1068 
lane 15, 1917 (40 Stat., 227): 
Title X— 
Section 1. ooo ceimmmeeeaa 1226 
. Sections 2, 3_ eee 1227 
Title XI, sections 1-21. coc cneeoo-._ 1260-1264 
Title XIII— 
Section 1. ce cecccccmccccmnaanaa 1227 
Bection 2. cece cceemmeemeeeeaa 1267 
August 10, 1917, sections 15, 16 (40 Stat., 282). 1090 
September 24, 1917 (40 Stat., 288): 
Section 7... ee ceecec—maeee-w-es 1001 
Section 11 _ ooo emeeaaeeuaa 1001 
Dctober 3, 1917 (40 Stat.. 300) (“Revenue Act 
of 1917’): 
Sections 1-5..._. eecccecmeanna- T47-749 
Sections 200-214. _. «oencceaaeon-- 749-755 
Section 214 - - oo oceeemcemceniae mana 481 
Sections 300-2" emmmmcueneana 202-204 
Section 301...  eeccemmcceee—mamn 1083 
Jections 307,% vr erammccmmemceacaeee- 318 
Sections 309-3” no memceemeaea-- 204,295 
Sections 818-31 .oooooiccmoceaioiaaan. 472 
Section 400... ._._. mms pEmpneanemw  “128 
Sections 401403. cc ocmeecccceaeceeeaee 416 
Section 404 oo iemeeeeeeeaeea 438 
Sections 500-50". . oo ceoccemmmmenn---. 476478 
Sections 504, 507 . oo nooomeemaa-- 479,480 
Sections 600-602 meccmee—=--- 466-468 
Section 608 - cco ceeceeimmeee. --- 169 
Sections 700-702. ___. mmm 451 
Sections 800-807 - occ ceemmcomccmeeeon-~ 526-528 
Schedule Ao cco iicmeeaeeioaeen = 528-530 
Sections 900,901. _ oo eeeencen---.. 870,871 
Sections 1000-1010 ecccmeee—ae--- 1005,1006 
Section 1110 oc. mimeo 1094 
Sections 1200-1212. _ ooo... 755-764 
Sections 1300-1303. «oo ceeo----. 1006, 1007 
October 6, 1917, section 1 (40 Stat.. 348) ._____ 3 
October 6, 1917 (40 Stat., 393) ._.._._.__...... 1069 
October 6, 1917 (40 Stat., 395) _o_oeu---... 1108,1119 
April 4, 1918 (40 Stat., 502): 
Section £_.__._. --. lo02 
Section 6. oor eememeccananmaeea- 870 
April 5, 1918, section 16 (40 Stat., 506).._.._.. 1002 
May 23, 1918, sections 1, 2 (40 Stat., 560)... 1083 
May 25, 1918 (40 Stat., 563) - ceo —vocommo- 1086 
aly 9, 1918, section 3 (40 Stat., 844)_________. 1002 
August 31, 1918, section 5 (40 Stat., 956)...._. 1279 
Jeptember 24, 1918 (40 Stat., 965) - --——----- 1003 
October 1, 1918 (40 Stat., 1008) o.oo. ccoooo.. 319 
Jetober 23, 1918 (40 Stat., 1015) ooo __.__.... 1240 
Jovember 21, 1918, sections 1, 2 (40 Stat., 
1046) - eee meme mmm 1090, 1091 
*sbruary 24, 1919 (40 Stat., 1057) (“‘ Revenine 
wet of 1918"): 
Section 1.__. J 990 
Sections 200-. i mecemewa- 104-709 
Sections 210-2 ee ceeemmmmaa 109-725 
Sections 230-% . — vc cccccmccememmnmamenae 126-733 
Sections 250-261 - c—- «ccc ceemecaneae-an 133-738 
Jections 300-805 cee cccmanmmnan-nnan 139-741 
Sections 310-312 «oceans 741 
Section 320.._-. JE SIR V1 
Sections 325-3" cc ceccaneomanancamaenan 142-744 
Sections 330-33" cee cccocememcmcmceeneena 148 
Sections 335-33. - I 
Sections 400410 «oe oc ceacecea---.-- 864-870 
Sections 500-502- - ccceecnmemamen—oeao- 474,457 
Sections 503, 504 co veceeacncamacaeman-- 478,479 
Section 600 £23 gee mmm cmmmemana 179 
Qeetion 600 (b) (c I; 1: 1

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