Full text: Internal revenue laws in force April 1, 1927

September 21, 1922 (42 Stat., 993). ________.__ 1089 
December 28, 1922 (42 Stat., 1066): 
Bortloh L...cumummummmnmminimianimm mn mmnmme SLE 
Section 2.___ pemmmmmenae- 1410 
Section 5. eee. 1411 
January 3, 1923 (42 Stat., 107.) eo. 14 
January 3, 1923 (42 Stat., 1096) _. _...____._.. 13,268 
January 22, 1923 (42 Stat., 1162) ______________ 12 
March 4, 1923 (42 Stat., 1444) _____________.__ 24 
March 4, 1923, sections 1-14 (42 Stat., 1488) 
(“Classification Act of 1923”) ________.._ 1351-1364 
March 4, 1923 (42 Stat., 1504) . mma 694 
March 4, 1923 (42 Stat., 1507) .._._......... 661,671 
March 4, 1923 (42 Stat., 1549) _ _.___.___._.. 1° 
March 13, 1924 (42 Stat., 22) meee BE 
April 2, 1924 (43 Stat., 4 mamma 1 
April 4, 1924 (43 Stat., 7. sammy 11; SOR 
May 28, 1924 (43 Stat.  eceeeeee—_____ 11 
May 31, 1924 (43 Stat, Zoey ome... 1285 
I oe 2 Joa (2? Stat., 253) (“Revenue Act of 
Sections 1, 2_.__.. meee 961 
Jections 200-2°7._ remmmeeen-- 012-635 
Jections 230-247__. oo eaeo-.. 035-643 
Sections 254-263 coven... 043-646 
Sections 270-283... oe-w- DAT-653 
Sections 300-324 o.oo. ._.... R46-858 
Section 400... _-__ emma ae 
Section 401 o.oo oo oon 
Section 402... oo. —___ fw 
Section 403 _____.______. mma m———— 
Sections 500-508 - - cavemen 
Sections 600-605 ooo. 
Section 700. - cocoon 
Section 701. ooo. em 
Section 701(9) occ m ce eee 
Section 702. ovo oce cee eeeeeeee 
Section 703. «cocoa. 
Jootion T02 . coonnves cmammmm mms mma 122 
Section 705. ocean 147,363 
Sections 705-707 ooo _.___.__.. 303,364 
Sections 800-807 - - cco cocoon. 512-513 
Schedule A oocoeeee oo _____._... 514-516 
Section 900. cocoa 916 
Sections 900-911 oo _L.__..__... 907-91" 
Jections 1000-1031 o_o __... 962-9". 
Jeotion. W013. cowsrsssnmampnnnassunmmmsens 
Section 1015 _ coccinea 
Sections 1100-1104 - oo... 973-074 
Section 1100(C) - - ccccomc ccm 827 
Sections 1200-1206... ____.... 974-97¢ 
june 5, 1924, sections 1, 2 (43 Stat., 389) .. 1387, 138% 
lane 7, 1924 (43 Stat., 657) .._______._____.. 373 
June 7, 1924 (43 Stat., 669). ____._........ 915 
December 5, 1924 (43 Stat., 693). __...._.__ 10 
December 6, 1924 (43 Stat., 704) _...__..___._. 1365 
December 6, 1924 (43 Stat., 710) .._._..__--- 10 
January 7, 1925 (43 Stat., 726) __-.___.__.__._ 1229 
January 20, 1925 (43 Stat., 757) oo ._.._ 10 
January 22, 1925 (43 Stat., 764) __..__._______._ 1365 
January 22, 1925 (43 Stat., 770)... ___._._.____ 9,268 
February 6, 1925. sertinns 1-3 (43 Stat., 
BOB) cmv em i mmm im i Ww gp mi mn wie a0, 204 
February 7, 1925 (43 Stat., 813) _.________ 1173,1214 
february 11, 1925, section 6 (43 Stat., 857)___. 1207 
February 11, 1925 (43 Stat., 860) __._______. 97 
February 13, 1925 (43 Stat., 936) (amending 
Tudicial Code): 
Section 1.____... 1173,1183,1190, 1191, 1194. 1224 
Section 8c mooie 1197 
Section 2 CREE ERR Re esas 180 
Section ih mop i HRA m2 OE 
Section + mmm emmeeeeawn 1204 "206 
Section ' joc ce eececeeemeceeee—e= 180 
Section 8 a) (b) (A) eooommnce ooo. 108 
Section 1” mmm —————— 17 
Section 1 emcee 224 
Section 12. come eeeeee 142 
February 24, 1925 (43 Stat., 972). ___._.._._.. 1122 
February 26, 1925 (43 Stat., 994) _ =... 73 
February 27, 1925 (43 Stat., 1025) _____._.__.__ 9 
February 28, 1925, section 312 (43 Stat., 
1073) cee eee een meme 1230 
March 3, 1925 (43 Stat., 1200) ..._____._._.__. 915 
March 3, 1925, sections 1-3 (43 Stat., 1116)... 1095 
March 4, 1925 (43 Stat., 1264) o_o... 1145 
March 4. 1925 (43 Stat.., 1315) I q 
February 26, 1926 (44 Stat., 9) (“Rebenue 
Act of 1926"): 
Sections 1, 2... _______.__, ..... 934 
Sections 200-227. _. caneeeheuss Son-571 
Sections 230-247______.___.____.._./.._.. 571-585 
Sections 254-263...  ._________.._/._..._ 586,590 
Sections 270-286...  ____________[_..__. 591-610 
Sections 300-325. _.____.________l_____ 822-845 
Section 400. __. DID 422 
Section 40000) cee oe oof. 421 
Section 400(t) eevee. oie. 421 
Section 401(a)_.  _.._________1T77TTTTT 389 
Section 401(b) . Rh a GD 
Section 402. _ L427 
Section 403. o_o eceicceeceee. 405 
Section 500-503 _ oo. uo loo... 441-444 
Section 600-603... o_o _.o_...._.. 454,455 
Section 700. «oom iL teoe.. 162 
Section 701. o_o oem. 124 
Section 70%. o.oo eee 167 
Jection 7C° cnmnnnnnnenene Y00, 380 
Section 7( .... eemecmmemmmemeana- 359 
Section 705. o.oo eeeemeneaa | 361 
Sections 800-8207 remmeeeea-- 499-501 
Schedule Ao... eee __. 502-505 
Section 900. .... femmmecmmmeema--- 178 
Section 901. ewpepennnhmannere AN 
Section 902_ ____._ - 181 
Sections 903,904 _ _ _. pm esiian 300 
Sections 1000-1005. ooo... 907-914 
Sections 1100-1130 meee 935-953 
Section 1102(0) «cco cececceeen 925 
Section 1102(c) - -w 925 
Jection 1104. memmm—meeaa- 922 
Section 1105. eee 923 
Section 1777 § & SERRE EE ED 
Section 17°... RAI: : 
Section 110 emcee. 924 
Section 1109 _ __ mmm cm———— 69 
Section 1114(C) wooo moe ecemeceaeeee 929 
‘ection 1114(e)..  ccooomcmiocccacae- 929 
section 1 W4(0) o.oo eo oa. 929 
jection 125.__. .- 100 
Section 1.8 _..._. FREER REE 71 
Section 1 "2 oie. 64,1124 
Section 1 3____. eemeeceeaaa 894 
Section 1 ome iiiceaaeaa-ao- 901 
Section 1x. J. ___.._ emmmmmmaee-— 1144 
Sections 1200-1214 __.. ._ o_o. ...... 953-960 
Section 1201 emmmmmmm——n 3 
Section 127° mmmmmm————— 44 
Section 12 _ - cnnmnmss 951 
March 2, 1926 44 Stat., 149) _ ___....__.___._. 7,268 
March 3, 1926 (44 Stat., 18C)_ mmm 7 
March 6, 1926 (44 Stat., 14%). _ o.oo... 268 
May 20, 1026 (44 Stat., 587) ___ ._—___._. 1173 
May 26, 1926 (44 Stat., 653) oeoooo—ooo. -. 1246 
May 27, 1926 (44 Stat., 664) 
Sections & c-e-~ 1154,1155 
Section 15... mcmama 1156 
June 3, 1926, sections 1-13 (44 Stat., 688) 
(“Subsistence Expense Act’Y__.______ 12871288 
june 26, 1926 (44 Stat., 772)" 
Section 1______ mmeemmee-- 1379 
Sortions 2, Bow cosancums smemmmmmnesnunmnn HIDE 
July 3, 1926 (44 Stat., 868) __ ooo. ” 
july 3, 1926, sections 1-19 (44 Stat., 904) 
(“Retirement Act of 1926") __..._._... 1366-1376 
December 11, 1926, chapter 3, sections 1-4 
{44 Biot, DB)cou-suswwanummpnmmmnmmsmuisng TOAD 
December 11, 1926, chapter 4, sections 1, 2 
(44 Stat., 918) eam... 1278 
January 22, 1927 (44 Stat 922) amen ODS 
January 26, 1527 = 3tut., ._ cceeema-- 1364 
January 26, 127 (44 Stat., 1035, .._..-_-_- 5.54, 268 
February 12 27 (44 Staf,.. ino» 
Section veee. 1378 
Section. _— se feeceen- 1381 
February 24, 1927 (44 Stat., 17%] ceecme-n- O05 
Tebruary 26, 1927 (44 Stat., 24& meama. 378 
February 28, 1927 (44 Stat., 1254) ........-- 5 
March 2, 1927 (44 Stat., 1314). ______._..____._ 1288 
March 2, 1927, sections 1,2 (44 Stat., 1346)... 1275 
March 3, 1927, sections 1, 2 (44 Stat., 1380)... 1376 
March 3. 1827, sections 1-7 (44 Stat., 1381) __ 1010-

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