3258. Registry of stills and apparatus.
3259. Notice of intention to carry on
business of distiller or recti-
fier ; penalty.
Act of July 16, 1892. Notice of
intention to rectify.
3260 (amended). Bond of distiller;
3261. Same; approval.
3262 (amended). Same; distiller to be
owner in fee simple, or have
written consent of owner.
67. Act of August 27, 1894. Refusal
of bond from person convicted.
3263. Plant of distillery.
623. Revenue Act of 1918. Amend-
ment to R. 8S. 3264, as
amended by act of March 1,
1879, and act of June 22, 1910.
3264 (amended). Surveys of distil-
3965. Notice by manufacturer of still;
setting up still without permit.
3966. Distilling on certain premises
3267. Receiving cisterns.
3268. Breaking locks or gaining access
to cisterns or building.
3269. Furnaces, tubs, doublers, worm
tanks; penalty.
3270. Apparatus.
5. Act of March 1, 1879. Small dis-
tillery exempt from certain
625. Revenue Act of 1918. R. S. 3255
amended. Brandy made from
apples and other fruits; ex-
empt from requirements.
3975. Distillery to be kept accessible.
3276 (amended). Entry and examina-
tion of distillery; obstructing
officer ; forfeitures.
3277. Same; facilities for examina-
tion; pemalty for neglect.
807. Revenue Act of 1918. Meters,
tanks, and other apparatus.
3978. Examination of distilleries; de-
struction of pipes unlawfully
3279. Signs put up by distillers, recti:
fiers, and wholesale liquor
dealers; penalty for noncom-
pliance or false signs.
3280. Distiller not to carry on business
until law complied with. Dis-
tillery within 600 feet of recti-
fying house prohibited.
3281 (amended). Carrying on distil-
lery without giving bond, ete. ;
penalty; forfeitures.
3982 (amended). Mash, wort, and vin
acar: vinegar factories.
Act of June 14, 1879. Vinegar
factories opened prior to
March 1, 1879.
3283. Distilling between 11 p. m. of
Saturday and 1 a. m. of Mon-
day prohibited.
3284. Using material or removing
spirits in absence: of store-
keeper ; penalty.
3286 (amended). Drawing off water
and cleansing worm tub; pen-
- alty.
3283 (amended). Fermenting tubs ;
emptying and filling,
3303. Distillers’ books; entries to be
3304. Same; maintaining at distillery ;
inspection and preservation.
3305. Same; false entries, or omitting
to keep or produce.
3306. Using false weights or meas-
ures, or unregistered materi-
3307. Distillers’ returns of production
to collector. .
3308. Same; number of barrels dis-
3309 (amended). Same; monthly ex-
amination ; assessment.
60. Act of August 27, 1894. Same
6. Act of March 1, 1879 (amended).
Same; remission and refund-
ing tax on deficiency in pro-
duction; notification to fruit
3310 (amended). Commencement of
distilling ; suspension of work:
3311. Reduction of capacity; tamper-
.. ing with locks, ete.
3331. Release of distillery before judg-
3332 (amended). Destruction of dis
tillery ; witnesses; reimburse
ment, wrongful seizures; offi-
cer liable.
3333. Burden of proof on claimant of
spirits seized. :
3317 (amended). Rectifier’s returns,
unlawfully rectifying.
3318 (amended). Books of rectifiers
and wholesale dealers;
monthly transcript; penalty.
62. Act of August 27, 1894. Dis
tillers selling own product;
record of sales; transcript:
3319. Purchase of quantities greater
than 20 gallons from one Der:
son: penalty.