Full text: Internal revenue laws in force April 1, 1927

and products thereof for export shall apply to dairy prod: 
ucts so inspected and certified. 
(See Regulations No. 9 and No. 29.) 
580 [Act of August 10, 1912 (37 Stat., 273).] * * * 
iiinitary resu That the sanitary provisions for slaughtering, meat can- 
vated butter fac- Ning, Or, similar establishments, as set forth in the act of 
= June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six (Thirty-fourth 
Statutes, page six hundred and seventy-six), are hereby 
extended to cover renovated butter factories as defined in 
the act of May ninth, nineteen hundred and two (Thirty- 
second Statutes, page one hundred and ninety-six), under 
such regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture may 
prescribe; * * * 
581 [See sec. 6, act of May 9, 1902. (Sec. 548, U. 8. C.)] 
2D 02 Sec. 14. [Act of August 2, 1886 (24 Stat.,212).] That 
mie "9 there shall be in the office of the Commissioner of In- 
ternal Revenue an analytical chemist and a microscopist, 
who shall each be appointed by the Secretary of the 
Treasury, and shall each receive a salary ® of two thou- 
sand five hundred dollars per annum; and the Commis- 
sioner of Internal Revenue may, whenever in his judg- 
ment the necessities of the service so require, employ 
chemists and microscopists to be paid such compensation 
as he may deem proper, not exceeding in the aggregate 
any appropriation made for that purpose. 
And such Commissioner is authorized to decide what 
substances, extracts, mixtures, or compounds which may 
be submitted for his inspection in contested cases are to 
be taxed under this act; and his decision in matters of 
taxation under this act shall be final. 
The Commissioner may also decide whether any sub- 
stance made in imitation or semblance of butter, and 
intended for human consumption, contains ingredients 
deleterious to the public health; but in case of doubt or 
contest his decision in this class of cases may be appealed 
from to a board hereby constituted for the purpose, and 
composed of the Surgeon-General of the Army, the Sur- 
veon-General of the Navy, and the Commissioner (now 
Secretary) of Agriculture; and the decisions of this board 
shall be final in the premises. 
[Left blank in United States Code for expansion. ] 
2 Provisions as to compensation now superseded by the Classification 
Act of 1923 (42 Stat., 1488).. See Appendix. page 1351.

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