Full text: Internal revenue laws in force April 1, 1927

[The taxes imposed by the laws contained in this chapter are 
upon the products. For special taxes on manufacturers, whole- 
salers, and retailers. see chapter 4. “ Special Taxes,” under the 
head of Mixed Flour.] 
(Secs. 631-645. U. S. C)) 
The sections of the law contained in this chapter are arranged 
‘n the numerical sequence of the sections of the United States 
Code based thereon. Black-face numerals in the margin of the 
text indicate the section numbers of title 26, “Internal Rev- 
snue.”’ of the code. unless otherwise stated. 
[Sections 35 to 49, act of June 13, 1898 (30 Stat. 448), as 
amended bv act of April 12. 1902 (32 Stat.. 96).1 
35. Mixed flour defined. 
37. Marks and brands; penalty. 
38. Packages; penalty. 
39. Label; penalty. 
0. Tax, stamps, laws applicable. Re- 
packed fleur; penalty. 
£1. Assessment of tax on mixed flour 
when removed without stamps. 
12, Tax on imported mixed flour: pen- 
13. Penalty and forfeiture. 
+1. Removal for export. 
15. Destruction of stamps on empty 
packages; penalty. 
1S. Penalty for subsequent violations. 
19. Date when act takes effect. 
16. Penalties recoverable. 
17. Regulations. Additional clerks 
and avents. 
Sec. 85. [Act June 13, 1898 (30 Stat., }67), as amended 631 
by sce. 13, act March 2, 1901 (31 Stat., 99), and by sec. 9, , Mixed four de 
act of April 12, 1902 (32 Stat., 99).] That for the pur- 
poses of this act, the words “ mixed flour ” shall be taken 
snd construed to mean the food product resulting from 
the grinding or mixing together of wheat, or wheat flour, 
as the principal constituent in quantity, with any other 
erain, or the product of any other grain, or other ma- 
terial, except such material, and not the product of any 
erain, as is commonly used for baking purposes: Pro- 
vided, That when the product resulting from the grind- 
ing or mixing together of wheat or wheat flour with any 
other grain, or the product of any other grain, of which 
wheat or wheat flour is not the principal constituent as 
specified in the foregoing definition, is intended for sale, 
or 1s sold, or offered for sale as wheat flour, such product 
{ Regulations 25 (revised 191K: 

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