Full text: Internal revenue laws in force April 1, 1927

(Secs, 761-803, U. S. CD 
The sections of the law contained in this chapter are arranged 
in the numerical sequence of the sections of the United States 
Code based thereon. Black-face numerals in the margin of the 
text indicate the section numbers of title 26, ¢ Internal Rev- 
enue.” of the code. unless otherwise stated. 
3368 (amended). Tobacco *and snuff 
401 (a). Revenue Act of 1926. Rate 
of tax on tobacco and snuff 
manufactured in or imported 
into the United States. 
26. Act of October 1, 1890. Registra- 
tion of dealers in leaf tobacco; 
manufacturers and peddlers. 
27. (Same.) Restrictions upon 
farmers removed. 
B89. Aet of August 27, 1894. “ To- 
bacco manufacturers” defined. 
Farmers and growers of to- 
bacco not regarded as manu- 
3355 (amended). Manufacturer's state- 
ment of business; bond and 
3356. Manufacturer's sign; penalty for 
3357 (amended). Record of manufac- 
turers to be kept by collector. 
3358. Annual inventories, . books, and 
monthly abstracts; penalty. 
401 (b). Revenue Act of 1926. Pack- 
ages of tobacco and snuff; 
perique tobacco, refuse, cut- 
tings, sweepings, etc.; sale by 
manufacturers or for export. 
3363 (amended). Sale only in pre- 
scribed packages; exception. 
3364 (amended). Caution label; pen- 
3394 (amended). Lottery tickets, im- 
moral pictures, ete, pro- 
Table showing dates of acts im- 
posing tax on tobacco and 
rates of tax. i 
+o Regulations 8 (revised 1922). Regulations 8 (revised 1927) in course of promulga- 
3369. Stamps; preparation and sale; 
tobacco sold under distraint: 
tobacco abandoned or forfei- 
1. Act of October 14, 1921. Same; 
delivered to hospitals for use 
of soldiers. 
3370. Tobacco manufactured by one 
person for another or on 
shares; stamps; fraud. 
3371 (amended). Estimated tax on to- 
bacco sold without stamps; 
notice of assessment, 
3372. Removing unlawfully, selling 
without stamps, payment of 
tax, or giving bond, making 
false entries; forfeiture. 
3373. Absence of stamp evidence of 
nonpayment ; forfeiture. 
3366. Purchasing tobacco not branded 
or stamped ; penalty. 
3374. Removing, except in proper pack- 
ages, or without stamp, selling 
unlawfully, ete.; penalty. 
3375. Affixing false stamps, or stamps 
before used; penalty. 
3376. Stamps on empty packages to be 
destroyed ; buying, selling, or 
using the same; penalty. 
3377 (amended). Imported tobacco and 
snuff; also scraps, cuttings, 
and clippings. 
1. Act of August 4, 1886. Exporta- 
tion of manufactured tobacco. 
24. Act of February 8, 1875. Trans- 
portation bond, etc.; export 
bond. ete. 

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