Full text: Internal revenue laws in force April 1, 1927

The taxes imposed by this section shall, in the case of , 1» ie ot prior 
any article in respect of which a corresponding tax 1s 
imposed by section 600 of the Revenue Act of 1924, be in 
lieu of such tax. 
Discounts and expenses on sales by manufacturers. Ar- 
ticle 4, Regulations 47 (revised 1926), amended. (T. D. 
Basis for tax. Article 3, Regulations 47, amended. (T.D 
Sec. 601. (a) If any person who manufactures, pro- sola at Jes than 
duces, or imports any article enumerated in section 600, market price to 
sells or leases such article to a corporation affiliated with tion. 
such person within the meaning of section 240 of this act, 
at less than the fair market price obtainable therefor, the 
tax thereon shall be computed on the basis of the price at 
which such article is sold or leased by such affiliated cor- 
poration. : Sales to benefit 
(b) If any such person sells or leases such article pterost of manu- 
whether through any agreement, arrangement, or under- facturer. 
standing, or otherwise, at less than the fair market price 
obtainable therefor, either (1) in such manner as directly 
or indirectly to benefit such person or any person directly 
or indirectly interested in the business of such person, or 
(2) with intent to cause such benefit, the amount for 
which such article is sold or leased shall be taken to be 
the amount which would have been received from the 
sale or lease of such article if sold or leased at the fair 
market price. 
Sec. 602. Every person liable for any tax imposed by 
section 600 shall make monthly returns under oath in 
duplicate and pay the taxes imposed by such section to 
the collector for the district in which is located the prin- 
cipal place of business. Such returns shall contain such 
information and be made at such times and in such man- 
ner as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secre- 
‘ary, may by regulations prescribe. 
The tax shall, without assessment by the Commissioner map © **"" 
or notice from the collector, be due and payable to the 
collector at the time so fixed for filing the return. If the 
tax is not paid when due, there shall be added as part of 
the tax interest at the rate of 1 per centum a month from Penalty tor fail 
the time when the tax became due until paid. time. pay 
Skc. 603. (a) If (1) any person has, prior to January se o> °F 
1, 1926, made a bona fide contract with any other per-, Vendor to re 
son for the sale or lease, after the tax takes effect, of ference if former 
any article in respect of which a tax is imposed by sec- hereis, and dedyo: 
tion 600 of this act, and in respect of which a correspond- tip from, price 
ing but greater tax was imposed by section 600 of the contract. 
Revenue Act of 1924, (2) the contract price includes the 
amount of the tax imposed by section 600 of the Revenue 
Act of 1924, and (3) such contract does not permit 
the deduction, from the amount to be paid thereunder, 
of the whole of the difference between the corresponding

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