Full text: The work of the International Labor Organization

indefinitely because existing legislation falls far short of the 
requirements of the Convention. 
All nations, except Belgium, which have ratified and for 
which data were recorded,! are stated to have its provisions 
in application. Belgium has taken steps to comply with the 
obligations. Denmark, which has not ratified, is stated to 
have passed legislation applying the Convention. In Ger- 
many account of the terms of this Convention has been taken 
in preparing legislation. 
Boarp SHIPS 
The Draft Convention concerning the Simplification of 
the Inspection of Emigrants on Board Ships, adopted at 
Geneva in 1926, first specifies that for the purposes of its 
application, the terms “emigrant vessels” and “emigrant” 
are to be defined for each country by the competent authori- 
ties in that country. Official inspection conducted on board 
emigrant vessels for the protection of emigrants is to be 
undertaken by not more than one government. This pro- 
vision is not to prevent another government, however, from 
placing on board, occasionally and at its own expense, a 
representative to accompany its emigrants in the capacity of 
observer, on condition that heis not to encroach on the duties 
of the official inspector. 
Such an official inspector is to be appointed, as a general 
rule, by the government of the country whose flag the vessel 
flies, but may be appointed by another government if an 
agreement is reached between the governments of the coun- 
try whose flag the vessel flies and one or more of those whose 
nationals are carried as emigrants. 
In regard to the qualifications of such an inspector the 
Convention states that the practical experience and the 
necessary professional and moral qualifications required are 
to be determined by the government which is responsible for 
his appointment. An official inspector is not to be, directly or 
indirectly, connected with or dependent upon the shipowner 
or the shipping company. An exception, however, in case of 
1 For Jugoslavia and Luxemburg no data were as yet given.

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