Full text: Shipping charges at United States and foreign ports

years, with the written consent of parent or guardian. A passport 
will not be amended to include a person who bears a valid passport 
or who is included in a valid passport unless such passport is sub- 
mitted for cancellation or for amendment. Passports may be 
amended to exclude a person or persons originally included in the 
Loss, destruction, or mutilation of a passport.—The loss, destruction, 
or mutilation of a valid passport should be reported immediately to 
the Passport Division, Department of State, or to the nearest consular 
officer. As a rule, new passports can be issued in such cases only 
after an exhaustive inquiry. The application for a new passport to 
replace a valid passport which has been lost, destroyed, or mutilated 
must be accompanied by a detailed statement of the circumstances 
under which the passport was lost, destroyed, or mutilated. 
Regulations of foreign governments.— Passport and other travel 
regulations of foreign governments vary and are subject to changes. 
For authentic information regarding them, inquiry should be made 
before leaving the United States of the diplomatic and consular 
representatives of the countries to be visited with reference to the 
following subjects: Visas; import and export regulations relating to 
money, jewelry, and other valuables; and travel, residence, health, 
and vaccination regulations.

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