Full text: The Elements of economic geology

Mem. G.S. 
Min. Dep. 
Min. 1. 
Ming. Mag. 
Miner. Mag, 
N.J. Min, 
Tr. LM.E. 
Tr. Amer. IME. 
Geological Survey, as in U.S.G.S., United States 
Geological Survey. 
Memoir of the Geological Survey of . . 
Mineral Deposits. 
Mining Institute , . . 
Mining Magazine, 
Mineralogical Magazine. 
Neues Jahrbuch fir Mineralogie. 
New South Wales, 
Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society (London). 
Transactions Institution Mining Engineers. 
Transactions American Institution of Mining Engi- 
Tr. LM.M. Transactions Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 
2.d.g.G. Zeitschrift deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft. 
Z. prakt, G. Zeitschrift fir praktische Geologie. 
The rest are obvious from the above. 
Tons are long tons (2240 1b.), unless otherwise stated.

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