Full text: Industrial Transference Board report

fortunate, and should not be glad, to receive into its boundaries 
many of the men with whom our enquiries have brought us into 
89. The white population of the various parts of the Empire of 
any importance from the point of view of migration from this 
country in 1921 was :— 
England, Wales and Scotland ... 
Canada : 
Of British origin i. 
Of French origin about 
Of other origin. sbout 
Australia  ... - es 5,435,734 
New Zealand - es 1,218,913 
South Africa ‘va ’1 es 1,519,488 
Rhodesia (including N. Rhodesia) 38,044 
In England and Wales there are 649 persons to the square mile ; 
in Scotland 164. In New Zealand there are 12; in Canada 2%; in 
South Africa 3 (white) ; in Australia nearly 2. Canada is larger 
In extent than the United States of America, Australia is very 
early as large; the population of Canada is not much more than 
that of London, and of Australia less than that of London. 
In South Africa and Rhodesia the immigration of white persons 
fo work as wage earners is severely restricted by the colour ques- 
tion. Tt is ordinarily in Canada, Australia and New Zealand 
that the chances for any large numbers of migrants from these 
islands are to be found. 
90. In Appendix I are shown the figures of migration from the 
United Kingdom to Canada, Australia and New Zealand, from 
1900 to 1927 omitting the years affected by the war, 1914-1992. 
Two striking facts stand out from these figures: (a) British 
Migration into the Dominions since the war has fallen markedly, 
8 compared with the period 1909-13. Migration into Canada 
averaged over 100,000 annually during 1909-1913; since 1922 it 
has averaged slightly over 50,000. As regards Australia, if the 
Ffatio of British settlers to entrants in the years 1922-27 is applied 
to the figures of arrivals in the years 1909-13, it will be seen that 
the average annual number of new British settlers has fallen from 
about 55,000 in the pre-war years to about 40,000 since 1922. 
(b) The proportion of foreign migration into these Dominions 
has increased. From 1909-1918 the Continental migration into 
Canada averaged about 70,000 annually; since the war it has 
Averaged 55,000 annually, a small decline compared with the 
decrease of one-half in British migration. Australia has a much 
by aller volume of foreign migration, but it has increased since 
he war. and reached a record total in 1997. 

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