Full text: Industrial Transference Board report

The Canadian Government has exercised these powers so as to 
admit only boys and men going to work on the land as farm 
labourers (a proportion are accepted without previous experience), 
families with some agricultural experience or aptitude going to 
take up farms or nominated by private individuals for employ- 
ment upon farms, and domestic servants of experience. The 
Canadian Government will not accept migrants who intend to work 
in industry, whether they be nominated by responsible persons in 
Canada or not. It has also declined to accept the wives or other 
direct dependents of men who have gone out to Canada and 
have established themselves there for some time in other than 
agricultural callings. 
Other Schemes under the Empire Settlement Act. 
96. In addition to the scheme of assisted passages, there are under 
the Empire Settlement Act special schemes for boys, both direct 
with the Canadian Government, and also with voluntary organisa- 
tions. There has also been a scheme of colonisation known as the 
3,000 Families Scheme, for the settlement of families on farms of 
their own. 
Procedure for an Intending Migrant to Canada. 
97. We insert in Appendix II a tabular statement of the pro- 
cedure to be followed by British migrants going into Canada, with 
and without assistance 
Cost of Passage. 
98. The assisted passage rate for an adult man or woman is 
£16 10s. (there are a number of modifications for boys, women going 
out as domestic servants, who are given free passages, and for 
families) which may be advanced as a loan repayable by instalments 
yt of wages. 
Limitations of Assisted Passages. 
99. Assisted passages (of which half the cost is paid by the 
British Government) fall into two main groups—*‘‘ nominations *’ 
and “‘ requisitions ’ from Australia. Any responsible person in 
Australia may nominate a person here for an assisted passage, 
subject to the approval of the State Government. (Although the 
machinery of migration into Australia is under the control of the 
Commonwealth Government, it is the State Governments who 
decide the numbers and classes of migrants whom they will accept.) 
* The procedure to be followed by British migrants to Australia. with and 
without assistance is set out in Appendix ITT.

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