Full text: The shadow of the world's future, or The earth's population possibilities & the consequences of the present rate of increase of the earth's inhabitants

WE have already, in Chapter VI, given some slight 
indication of the significance of the population-question. 
Owing to the imperfections and inadequacies of existing 
statistics, we cannot fix the population-limits with any 
precision, and we have shown that it is dependent 
largely upon factors at our disposal, viz., our economic 
and ethical advance, and the standard-of-living which 
we are prepared to accept. What has appeared in 
regard to the significance of rates has shown us that, 
even if the “ unspecified ” area of the world’s surface 
should turn out to be “ productive,” the issues are not 
materially altered. The shadow is not lifted. We 
may now revert to what has been established in the 
preceding pages, and ask, “ What are the conclusions 
to be drawn in regard to the problems of the world’s 
future?” “Is there really a population menace, con- 
stituting the Shadow of the World’s Future? ” 
The rate, at which Man has increased for more than 
a century, informs us that we have unquestionably 
entered upon a new era. That rate will probably not 
diminish except through the arrival of * unforeseen 
troublous times. Of itself, the rate will create 
enormous difficulties, for mankind has not yet become 
an economic unity, nor has it yet learnt to regard 
issues from the standpoint of the good of the whole. 
The time available for all necessary adjustments is so 
short that Man’s immediate task is indeed a very heavy 
one, and it is inescapable. History reveals, however, 
that the building up of the character of a people is a 

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