Full text: The shadow of the world's future, or The earth's population possibilities & the consequences of the present rate of increase of the earth's inhabitants

Average Bushels of Wheat per acre in 1921 
si-o Uruguay 16-4 
49-2 Spain . 14-0 
42:2 Jugo-Slavia 13-6 
35-4 Australia. 13:3 
34:9 Canada . 130 
32:4 United States 127 
30-3 Rumania 12-3 
29-9 Algeria ‘ 12-0 
25-4 Fr. Morocco 11-9 
24-6 Greece 11:3 
24-1 Argentine II I 
21-3 Eur. Russia 10-4 
18-0 U.S. Africa 104 
18:0 India . . 9:7 
17-1 Portugal 7°9 
17-1 Tunis . ‘ 71 
17-0 Asian Russia . + 90 
16-4 Arith. Average . 19°95 
This arithmetic average of about 20 bushels per acre 
would be correct only if the areas in each country were 
equal. They are of course very different, and when 
the areas corresponding to the yields quoted are taken 
into account, the average becomes only 13-27 bushels 
per acre. In China, which has not been included, as 
much as 111 bushels have been raised on some small 
plots. The true world-average is probably slightly 
over 14 bushels per acre: thus Spain, Jugo-Slavia, 
Australia and Canada represent the average rate of 
yield; the United States is slightly below it. An 
important point to be noted is that the lowest yields 
are about half the average, and the highest are nearly 
four times the average. Such results, as have been 
shown in the above tables, may undoubtedly be still 
further increased by the use of appropriate natural 
and artificial fertilisers. They may not in this way be 
Netherlands . 
Belgium . 
Great Britain 
Sweden . 
Switzerland . 
Germany  . 
New Zealand 
Egypt . . 
France . . 
Japan . 
Chile . 
Poland . 
Italy .

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