Full text: The shadow of the world's future, or The earth's population possibilities & the consequences of the present rate of increase of the earth's inhabitants

all the uninhabitable areas of the globe, as well as all 
that is required for his civilised occupancy. This, of 
course, may well raise a doubt as to'whether it can 
ever be attained, for it involves a perfecting of human 
knowledge, of human organisation, and of human 
character, which transcends all our ordinary concep- 
tions of real possibilities. Existing national egoisms at 
present make it an impossible estimate. 
The world-averages of the population-densities cor- 
responding to the four last-mentioned estimates of 
possible population are:— 
For 5200 millions, 99-0, sensibly the population- 
density for the Feudatory Independent States, 
[ndia, viz., 101-2; or of the Philippine Islands, 
viz., 99-1. 
7ozo millions, 1337, the population-density for 
Bulgaria being 1377, Jugo-Slavia 125-0, and 
Rumania 142-2. 
gooo millions, 1714, the density for Portugal 
being 170-0. 
11,000 millions, 209-6, the density for Austria 
being 201-9, for Hungary 233-0, for British 
India 225-7. 
The world-averages above indicated are an enormous 
ncrease on the present world-ayerage of 37, and it is 
to be observed that it is not possible to distribute 
human beings at all uniformly upon an earth with so 
diversified a physical surface, and a surface, too, whose 
population-carrying power varies so greatly. It is 
obvious therefore that the density of great areas must 
be immensely increased, and doubtless some increase 
would have to occur everywhere. 
The considerations submitted clearly show that the 
numbers of human beings which the world-surface 
can carry is limited to a relatively small multiple of 
the existing population.

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