Full text: Europe and Africa

ever, does not have an entirely free hand in making its 
The Moroccan budget is prepared by the (French) Direc- 
tor of Finance and submitted to the Council of Government 
over which the Resident-General presides. Up to 1924 
the budget then went to the French Foreign Office and to 
the Ministry of Finance in Paris, where at times changes 
have been made in the sense of imposing heavier burdens 
upon Morocco by transferring to her account items pre- 
viously borne by France. The budget then is ratified by 
the Sultan of Morocco and promulgated by the Resident- 
General. Of course Moroccan officials have always been 
consulted in regard to parts of the budget, but the budget 
did not pass through any distinctly native Moroccan or- 
ganization or body until the Committee of the Economic 
Budget was created in time to discuss the budget of 1924 — 
and the jurisdiction of this Committee is limited to ““pro- 
fessional questions which are within the competence of the 
Consultative Chambers.” This Committee is composed 
of six members of the administration and twelve men named 
by the Council of Government, six being merchants or 
industrialists and six agriculturists. It is to discuss the 
maintenance and extension of means of communication 
and of other public works, the development of natural re- 
sources, colonization, professional education. and similar 
Another step in Moroccan participation in the government 
was the summoning in July, 1923, of a native section of the 
Council of Government, composed of representatives of 
the native sections of the Chambers of Commerce and of 
Agriculture. The French colonists have likewise gained 
which France had expended for military occupation up to December 31, 
1 I’ Afrique Francaise, February, 1924, p. 109. 

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