Full text: Europe and Africa

But as the Egyptian said, “Thanks lie on the surface and 
below is a deep well.” The very development through 
which the Egyptians have been brought was beginning to 
make them feel that the British control was in “irritating 
tutelage.” Perhaps, after all, the Egyptians should receive 
credit for gratitude in that the leaders consistently supported 
the British and the people remained on the whole patient 
and quiescent throughout the trying period of the war. 
After the outbreak of the great European war in August, 
1914, Constantinople became the scene of a lively diplomatic 
duel between the representatives of the Triple Entente and 
those of the Germanic Powers. At length, Germany, aided 
by the influence of Enver Bey and other pro-German 
sympathizers in the Turkish Cabinet and by a skillfully 
arranged attack upon the Russian Black Sea ports on Oc- 
tober 29, drew the Turkish Empire into the war as her ally. 
The Khedive of Egypt, Abbas II Hilmy Pasha, was in the 
Turkish capital at the time. With his aid and that of the 
Turkish Sultan and Ulema, a “Holy War” was proclaimed 
on November 27, against England, France, and Russia. 
Great Britain replied to this challenge by proclaiming, on 
December 18, 1914, that “Egypt is placed under the pro- 
tection of His Majesty, and will henceforth constitute a 
Protectorate. ‘The suzerainty of Turkey over Egypt is 
thus terminated and His Majesty’s Government will adopt 
all measures necessary for the defense of Egypt, for the 
protection of its inhabitants and interests.” The next 
day Abbas II Hilmy was deposed, and his uncle Prince 
Hussein Kamil was appointed ruler of Egypt, with the title 
of Sultan. Unfortunately this popular, capable, and broad- 
minded man, who had been devoting his energies for years 
to the economic development of his country, died in 1917, 
per cent; 1895-99, 33.8 per cent; 1905-09, 32.1 per cent; 1910-13, 30.9 
per cent; 1924, 27.6 per cent.

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