Full text: Europe and Africa

the veto power, and nominates the President of the Senate 
and two fifths of the Senators. He appoints and dismisses 
Ministers and may dissolve the Chamber of Deputies. 
But the Ministers are responsible for all acts of the King. 
The other Senators and all the Deputies are elected by uni- 
versal suffrage, but indirectly. Groups of thirty voters 
choose “electors-delegate” who choose the Deputies and 
also in groups of five choose electors who select the Senators. 
The Senators hold office for ten years, half the body being 
renewed every five years; the Deputies hold office (unless 
the Chamber is dissolved) for five years. The Constitution 
makes Arabic the official language, Islam the State religion, 
and it requires general elementary education for both sexes. 
In July, 1923, martial law and all the exceptional mili- 
tary laws of the previous nine years were abolished. In 
September the first elections were begun and the Wafd,! 
Zaghlul’s party, won nearly all the seats. In January, 
1924, Zaghlul became Prime Minister by virtue of his 
victory at the polls and on March 15, 1924, a new Parlia- 
ment opened. The new body was keen and enthusiastic, 
but disorderly and violently partisan. The King’s speech, 
read by the veteran Zaghlul, had proposed a program of 
domestic legislation, but all interest centered in foreign 
relations — and in the spoils of office. The various parlies 
tried to outbid each other in their devotion to independ- 
! Wafd means “National Delegation” and was adopted as a party name 
in 1918 or 1919 when the leaders of the party were claiming that they had 
been selected by petition and demonstration to represent their country. 
Zaghlul and his followers were and still are called Nationalists in the general 
sense of agitators for national independence, but the term National Party 
is more strictly applicable to the Hisb el Watani (Watanists), the successors 
of Mustapha Pasha Kamel. The Wafd has been and is also opposed by the 
Liberal Constitutional Party organized by Adly Pasha, by the Ettahad, and 
by various “independents” — though in both the last two elections most 
of the “independents” have opposed the Wafd only until the election was 

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