Full text: Europe and Africa

apology, punishment of the offenders, suppression of popu- 
lar demonstrations, a fine of £500,000, the withdrawal of 
Egyptian officers and men from the Sudan, consent to an 
unlimited extension of the irrigated area in the Gezira, 
and compliance with British wishes regarding the protec- 
tion of foreign interests in Egypt and the Sudan. The 
Egyptian Government accepted only the first four of these 
demands;! Lord Allenby promptly seized the custom 
house at Cairo and the Egyptian Cabinet resigned. On 
November 30, the new Cabinet of Ahmed Pasha Ziwar 
formally accepted the terms of the British note. The action 
of the British Government, while perhaps a natural reac- 
tion from the series of violent acts, including a mutiny of 
Egyptian troops in the Sudan not long before, was the sub- 
ject of considerable criticism. Mr. Baldwin, recently be- 
come Prime Minister of Great Britain, and Austen Cham- 
berlain, his Foreign Minister, found occasion to state that 
the terms did not withdraw the independence recognized 
on February 28, 1922, and did not constitute a unilateral 
settlement of outstanding issues, and that Egypt might 
rest assured that the water necessary for her economic life 
would not be diverted to the Sudan. The question of the 
division of water between Egypt and the Sudan has been 
submitted to an impartial group of three engineers. 
The new Egyptian Minister dissolved Parliament and, 
when the elections of March, 1925, seemed to have given 
the opponents of Zaghlul Pasha a parliamentary majority, 
Ahmed Pasha Ziwar organized a coalition cabinet. How- 
ever, the new Parliament, having elected Zaghlul as its 
President by a vote of 123 to 85, was dissolved immediately; 
1 Of the £500,000 fine, £40,000 was bestowed on Lady Stack and practi- 
cally all of the balance is being used for benevolent objects in the Sudan. 
On June 2, 1925, eight men were condemned to death for the murder of the 

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