Full text: Europe and Africa

Bismarck, the Man and the Statesman. Reflections by Himself 
(translated). London, 1898. 
Brawley, Benjamin. Africa and the War. Duffield, 1918. 
British Mandates for the Cameroons, Togoland and East Africa. 
Brit. Parl. Papers, 1923, cd. 1794. 
Bruckner. Jahrbuch der deutschen Kolonial Politik. Berlin, 1899. 
Buchanan, Capt. Angus. Three Years of War in East Africa. 
J. Murray, London, 1920. 
Clifford, Sir Hugh. The Gold Coast Regiment in the East African 
Campaign. J. Murray, London, 1920. 
Deutsche Kolonial Zeitung. Published by the Deutsche Kolonial- 
Gesellschaft, Berlin. 
Fendall, Brig.-Gen. C. P. The East African Force, 1915-1919. 
Witherby, London, 1921. 
Fitzner, R. Deutsches Kolonial-Handbuch. Berlin, 1896. 
Lettow-Vorbeck, Gen. von, My Reminiscences of East Africa. 
2d Ed. Hurst & B., London, 1921. 
Leutwein, T. Ef Jahre Gouverneur in Deutsch-Sidwestafrica. 
Mittler & Sohn, Berlin, 1908. 
Lewin, Evans. The Germans and Africa. Cassell, London, 1915. 
Lucas, Sir Charles. The Empire at War. Vol. 1v. Oxford U. 
Press, 1925. 
Meinecke, G. Koloniales Jahrbuch. Published yearly. 
Meyer, Hans. Das Deutsche Kolonialreich. 2 vols. Leipzig, 
Peters, Karl. New Light on Dark Africa. Ward, Lock & Co., 
London, 1891. 
Townsend, Mary Evelyn. Origins of Modern German Colonialism, 
1871-1885. Longmans, 1921. 
A. Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika 
Ansorge, W. J. Under the African Sun in Uganda. 
Ashe, R. P. Chronicles of Uganda. London, 1894. 
Ashe, R. P. Two Kings of Uganda. London, 1889. 
Cranworth, Lord. .i Colony in the Making. Macmillan, 1912. 
(2d Ed., 1919.)

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