Alexandria, seaport in Egypt, anti-foreign
riots in, 373, 385; British bombardment
of, 374.
\lgeciras, Conference of (1906), 290-91,
303, 316, 329; Final Act, 296, 298-99,
323; free-trade provisions, 305, 307;
modified by Treaty of Versailles, 335.
Algeria, French dependency, 12, 18, 126,
143, 145, 267, 281, 324, 342; Barbary pi-
rates, 244-46; capture of Algiers by
French, 246-47; conquest of Oran and
Titeri, 248; treaty with Abd-el-Kader,
249: conquest of Constantine, 249-50;
defeat of Abd-el-Kader, 250-51; failure
of French administration before 1880,
252-54; land tenure, 254; administra~
tion of Northern Algeria, 254-55, 257—
58, 335-37; railways and public im-
provements, 255-56, 259-60; adminis-
tration of Territory of the South, 256-
59; participation in Great War, 259;
administration of justice, 259; financial
deficit, 260, 262; imports and exports,
260-61; people, 261; natural resources,
261-62; Tunis, 263-64; North African
Conference, 337-38; cessions to Tripol-
itania, 359.
\lgiers, capital of Algeria, 245, 247; cap-
tured by France, 17, 246, 263; adminis-
tration of, 257.
Algiers, Dey of, 244; makes treaty with
France (1801), 245-46; deposed (1830),
246: rule of, 247-48; reign of Abd-el-
Kader, 248-51.
Ali IV, Bey of Tunis, 270; signs Conven:
tion of Marsa (1883); 271.
Ali-ben-Khalifa, Tunisian chieftain, re
volts against France, 268-69.
Alieu, Emir of Kano. defeated by British.
Allenby, Field Marshal Edmund Henry
H., 1st Viscount of Megiddo and Felix-
stone, 387, 389; appointed Governor-
General of Egypt, 384; seizes custom
house at Cairo, 390.
Amendola, Signor Giovanni, Italian Min-
ister for Colonies, 358.
Anglo-Belgian Indiarubber Company, in
Congo, 25; oppresses natives, 46.
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 100; Mahdi insur-
rection, 136, 395-96; Dervish misrule,
137, 406-07, 411; Kitchener's recon-
quest of, 138-40, 408-11; Franco-Brit-
ish treaty (1899), 140; Franco-British
treaties (1919 and 1924), 141, 420; con-
quest of Mehemet Ali, 364, 391, 393;
British rule, 387, 389-92, 412, 420; con-
trol of the Nile waters. 390. 392: rule of
General Gordon, 394-95; evacuation of
11884), 396-404; result of evacuation,
405-07; railways, 409, 413, 415; irriga-
tion of, 409, 414-15; Egyptian loans and
revenue, 414; imports and exports, 414—
15; education, 415-19; effect of Great
War, 419-20.
Angola, Portuguese colony in western Af-
rica, 68.
Angra Pequena, Bay of, in German South-
west Africa, claimed by Germany, 73,
74, 77: claimed by Cape Colony, 75, 76;
German claim recognized by Grea
Britain, 78.
\rabi, Colonel Ahmed, leader of Egyptian
military party, 370; Egyptian Minister
of War and Marine, 371, 373; defeated
by British forces at Tel-el-Kabir, 374.
Arabs, in Africa, 100; as slave traders, 38-
40, 96, 163-65, 394; British subjugation
of the Mazrui, 103; in Kenya, 110-11,
114; in Nigeria, 164; in northern Africa,
244-45; in Algeria, 251-52, 356; in Tri-
politania, 342, 350, 355-57; in Tunisia,
356; in Egypt, 370.
vrhitration, of Zanzibar dispute by Lord
Canning, 86; of East African boundaries
by Baron Lambermont, 92; of Griqua-
land dispute, 192; of civil suits in Mo-
rocco, 310; Franco-German treaty pro-
visions (1911), 311-12.
Archinard, General Louis, French officer
in West Africa, subdues the Ahmadu,
126; leads campaigns against Samory,
126-27; secures the Upper Niger dis-
trict for France, 128.
\rmies, Hausa constabulary, 40, 129, 156—
57; in Great War, 66, 84, 120; Sudanese
troops in Uganda, 97, 102; in conquest
of Sudan, 137-38, 396, 402-04, 407-11;
West African Frontier Police, 162, 167,
170; in Boer War, 209; Union Defense
Force, 227; in Algerian campaigns
(1830-47), 246-51; Foreign Legion in
Jouthern Algeria, 258-59; in Tunisian
sampaign (1881), 267; in Moroccan civil
wars, 288, 292-94, 300, 303; in Italian-
[urkish War, 348-51; Fascisti volun-
teers in Tripolitania, 358-59; Nationals
in Egypt, 370-74; British in Egypt,
\rmstrong, Jack P., vice-consul in Congo
Independent State, 53; reports on Bel-
gian reforms in Congo, 61.
Arnold, Major, meets French forces at
Nikki, 131.
Ashanti, native tribe in West Africa, wars
with Great Britain, 154, 162.