Full text: Europe and Africa

Ashe, R. P., British missionary in Uganda, 
Asquith, Herbert, 1st Earl of Oxford and 
Asquith, British Prime Minister, in Aga- 
dir crisis, 307. 
Atlas Mountains, in Morocco, 279-81 
324, 340. 
Attahiru, Sultan of Sokoto, treaty with 
Royal Niger Company, 129, 130, 156, 
138, 162, 168; deposed, 167; slain, 169. 
Audeou, Colonel, occupies Sikasso in Cen- 
tral Sudan, 142. 
Austria-Hungary, population of, 15; at 
Brussels Conference of 1876, 22; at Ber- 
lin Conference, 29-35; abolishes consul- 
ate in Tunis, 270; at Conference of Alge- 
ciras of 1906, 290. 
Awemba, native state in Central Africa, 
Aziz Ali Bey el Masri, Turkish military 
leader in Italian-Turkish War. 350. 
Bahr-el-Ghazal, native state in Sudan, 
136; invaded by Mahdists, 40; leased 
bv Congo State, 41; abandoned by 
Congo State, 41; claimed by France, 
137-40; claimed by Great Britain, 138 
40; retained for Egypt by treaty of 
1899, 140; conquered by Egypt, 364; 
General Gordon in, 393: slave trade in, 
394; Mahdists’ control of, 396, 398, 401. 
Baikie, Dr. William B., British consul in 
Nigeria, 152. 
Baker, Sir Samuel, explores Nile valley, 
20; map of route, 21; aids Egypt in Su- 
dan conquest, 364; annexes Equatorial 
Province in Sudan, 393. 
Baker, Sir Valentine, British officer, de- 
feated by Mahdists, 396. 
Baldwin, Stanley, British Premier, atti 
tude toward Egypt, 390. 
Balfour, Dr. Andrew, Director of Well 
come Bureau of Scientific Research 
(1902-13), 419. 
Ballay, Dr. Noél, Governor of French 
Guinea, 142. 
Bamaku, town on Upper Niger, occupied 
by French, 126-28, 133; railway, 147- 
Bantus, African natives in Belgian Congo. 
67: in South Africa, 229. 
Barbary pirates in northern Africa, rela- 
tions with European powers, 244-45. 
Barbary States, government of, 244-45; 
forced to protect European and Ameri- 
can citizens, 245. 
Barca, district in Cyrenaica, 340, 349; 
Italian conauest of. 335. 
Dargash, ibn Said. See Zanzibar, Sultan 
Baring, Sir Evelyn. See Cromer, Lord. 
Barkly, Sir Henry, High Commissioner 
of South Africa (1871-77), advocates 
union of South African colonies, 192-93, 
Barth, Dr. Henry, explores Niger and 
Central Sudan, 19-20; map of route, 21. 
Bassermann, Herr, criticizes foreign policy 
of Kaiser in Reichstag, 293. 
3asutoland, British Protectorate in South 
Africa, 10; wars in, 71; petitions for 
British protection, 189; joins South 
African Customs Union, 198, 215; pro- 
claimed British Protectorate, 200, 236; 
Act of Union of South Africa, 221; 
administration, 231. 
Bauchi, native state in Nigeria, 164-65, 
169, 172, 
Baud, Captain, occupies Dahomey, 129. 
Beam, Doctor W., American chemist in 
Anglo-Egyvptian Sudan, 419. 
Bechuanaland, British Protectorate in 
South Africa, 190, 200; wars in, 71; 
joins Customs Union of South Africa, 
215; Act of Union of South Africa, 221; 
threatened by Boer control, 230; an- 
nexed by Great Britain, 231-32, 236; 
administration, 231. 
Beernaert, M. A., Belgian Minister of Fi- 
nance, 24, 54. 
Behansin, native state of Dahomey, 128, 
Beirut, city in Syria, bombarded in Itul- 
ian-Turkish War, 352. 
eit, Alfred, founder of Beit and Wernher 
Company of South Africa, 203-04; Di- 
rector of British South Africa Company, 
3eit-el-Mal, provincial public treasury of 
Northern Nigeria, 176. 
3elgian Congo, administered by Belgium, 
56-60, 65-68: reforms in, 61-64; foreign 
trade, 63, 309; invaded by Germany in 
Great War, 66, 120; present needs and 
natural resources, 67-68; mandate over 
part of German East Africa, 121; boun- 
dary of mandate delimited in Anglo- 
Belgian treaty (1923), 121. 
3elgium, at Brussels Conference (1876), 
22; Berlin Conference, 29-35; loans to 
Congo Independent State, 37, 54; an- 
nexes Congo Independent State, 53-60; 
colonial policy of, 60-65; African man- 
date, 120-21; treaties with Great Brit« 
ain (1919 and 1923), 121. 
Bena Lulua. natives in Central Africa, 

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