Full text: Europe and Africa

and people, 177-78; amalgamated with 
Northern Nigeria, 178. 
Southern Rhodesia, British Crown Col- 
ony, relations with South African col- 
onies, 184, 198, 215-16, 221, 237-40; 
British occupation of Matabeleland, 
231-34; British occupation of Mashona- 
land, 232-33; administered by British 
South Africa Company, 234; demands 
responsible government, 234, 237-40; 
contributions to Great War, 237; ad- 
ministration, 241; native reserves in, 
241; natural resources, 241-42; finances 
in, 242; railways, 242; foreign trade, 
Spain, 245; possessions in Africa in 1870, 
19; Berlin Conference (1884), 28-35; 
treaties with France (1900), 143, 344, 
(1904), 287, 305, 316, (1902), 316, 344, 
(1905 and 1906), 316; trade with Tunis, 
274; trade with Morocco, 280-81; 
treaty with France and Great Britain 
(1907), 287, 344; relations with Mo- 
rocco, 287, 290-91, 293, 295-300; par- 
ticipates in Conference of Algeciras 
(1906), 290-91; conflict with Riff, 300— 
91; treaty with Morocco (1910), 302; 
treaty with France (1912), 316-17; ad- 
ministration of sphere in Morocco, 
Speke, Captain J. H., explores Nile River 
valley, 20-21; map of route, 21; in 
Uganda, 95. 
Spence, M., British merchant in South 
Africa, 73. 
Spheres of influence, necessity for effec- 
tive occupation of, 29, 35, 37, 87, 139; 
in East Africa, 90, 93; in Somaliland, 
33; in western Africa, 129, 130, 132, 
134, 157, 165; in eastern Sudan and 
Sahara, 135, 140, 164-63; in Morocco, 
203; in northern Africa, 344. 
Stack, Sir Lee, Governor-General of 
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, murdered by 
Egyptians, 389. 
Stairs, Captain W. G., officer in Congo 
[ndependent State, subdues King 
Msidi, 38. 
Stanley, Henry M., explorations of, 20, 
23, 42; map of route, 21; reports to In- 
ternational African Association, 23; 
founds Congo State, 23; quoted, 25, 33, 
100; Berlin Conference (1884), 32; aided 
by Tippoo Tib, 39; in Uganda, 93; res- 
cues Emin Pasha, 96. 
Starr, Professor, explores Congo State, 52. 
Steeg, Théodore, Governor-General of 
Algeria, 260. 
Stellaland, Boer republic in South Africa, 
Stephenson, General Theodore Edward, 
in Sudan, 396; defeats Dervishes, 
itewart, Colonel Donald H., with General 
Gordon at Khartoum, 399; quoted, 401; 
murdered by Mahdists, 406. 
Steyn, M. T., President of Orange Free 
State, 206; delegate to Constitutional 
Convention, 218. 
Strauch, Colonel M., Chairman of Co- 
mité d'Etudes, 23. 
Juakin, town on Red Sea in Sudan, threat- 
ened by Mahdists, 395-96, 398; occu- 
pied by British forces, 403, 406, 411. 
lubsidies, King Leopold to Congo State, 
24; Belgium to King Leopold, 58; Ger- 
nany to Southwest Africa, Cameroons 
ind Togoland, 81, 84; Germany to 
erman East Africa, 118; France to 
French West Africa, 147; Great Britain 
:0 United African Company, 133; Great 
Britain to Northern Nigeria, 174; Great 
Britain to Transvaal and Orange River 
“olonies, 210; Union of South Africa to 
Rhodesia, 239; France to Algeria, 256, 
259-60, 262: Egypt to Sudan, 414. 
Sudan. See Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and 
French Sudan. 
Suez Canal, constructed, 364; British 
control of, 374, 385, 389: and Great 
War, 383. 
luffrage, in Great Britain, 12; in France, 
13;in Kenya, 110-11, 114; in Transvaal, 
201-02, 212-13; in Union of South Af- 
rica, 220; in Southern Rhodesia, 239-41; 
in Algeria, 258; in Tunisia, 276; in 
~gypt, 376, 388. 
Suleiman, son of Zubeir Pasha, 163; cap- 
ture of, 394. 
Suleimen el Barouni, Turkish deputy in 
Italian-Turkish War, 350. 
Sus, principality in Morocco, 281. 
Swann, Alfred, makes treaties with Ny- 
asa natives, 233. 
Swaziland, British Protectorate in South 
Africa, 221, 236; administration, 231. 
Sydney, Major, defeats Dervishes, 407. 
Svria, French aid Druses in. 251. 
Tafilet, principality in Morocco, 281; 
home of Filali Shereefs, 282; anti-for- 
eign uprising in, 291. . 
Tafna, Treaty of, between France and 
Abd-el-Kader in 1837, 249. 
Tanganyika, Lake, 231, 235; explored, 20; 
Arab slave traders at. 38-39: access

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