As shown in Table 7 (p. 26) the areas investigated were in regions
of dense production, where sugar beets are an important farm crop.
A sufficiently large number of localities and farms were visited by
the agents of the commission to make the data obtained representa-
tive of the industry as a whole.
Table 8, below, indicates that the farms investigated grew more
acres of sugar beets per farm than did the average farm for the respec-
tive States in which the investigations were made; and consequently
were perhaps operated more efficiently. (See Table 9, p. 28.) The
larger acreage of sugar beets on the farms investigated may be partly
accounted for by the fact that cost data were not obtained for farms
crowing less than three acres of beets per farm, although on some
farms in each area, especially near the cities, less than three acres
of beets per farm were grown.
TABLE 8.—Comparison of the 1922 average acreage of sugar beets per farm on the
farms investigated with the 1919 average acreage per farm for all farms growing
beets in that year
United States:
All States..._..
States investigated
Acres of sugar Acres of sugar
beets per beets per
‘arm growing arm on farms
beetsin 19197 DVestigated
in 1022
Acres per
Acres per |
farm :
Amount by
xhich the av-
arage sugar-
Jeet acreage
per farm in
.922 on farms
exceeds the
verage sugar
beet acreage
per farm on
all farms
rowing beets
for sugar in
1910 1
Acres per
Michigan_. _
Nebraska. cocoa cece
Colorado......._. RRR mn mR
Utah eee .
daho__...... a -.
WYOMING. ooo eee
Montana....... a me tcccccmcecmman——. aa.
California ooo... J
1 U. 8S. Census reports.
» The average sugar-beet acreage per farm in 1919 for Idaho as shown in the U. S. Census reports was
greater by two acres than the average sugar-beet acreage per farm in 1922 on the farms included in this