Full text: The cost of living in the United States 1914-26

ofr THE Cost or Livine in THE UNITED STATES 
Statistics INDEx NUMBERS 
Fuel and Light 
Furniture and House 
1913-1920, 22. socally represen 
1921-date, 43. | tative housing. 
Localities covered. . .. 51 32 32 
Sources of informanonRorallers serving|Retailers serving|Real estate brok. 
working class trade;] working class| ers: 400 to 2,000 
15 to 25 firms, de-| trade; 4 quota houses, depend- 
pending on size of tions for each| ing on size of 
town, item except 5 in| town. 
Greater New 
Number of articles. . . . 
32 32 32 
Retailers servinglRetailers servinglRetailers, doctors, 
working class ris working class trade; hospitals, street 
public utility com-) 4 quotations for car companies, 
panies; 10 to 15 each item, except 5 theatres, etc.; 4 
firms. in Greater New guotations for 
York, each item except 
5 in Greater New 
Special agents. 
Method of gathering] 
Special agents. 
Special agents. 
Juestionnaire, ex- Special agents. 
cept special agents 
for kerosene. 
Method of computing 
change in cost of ma- 
jor item. ... . 
’roducts of average 
prices multiplied by 
unit weights are 
added together; 
aggregates com- 
pared from one 
period to anothes 
on percentage ba- 
sis; this percentage 
linked to index 
aumber for last pre- 
ceding date gives 
current index num- 
.verage price of 
zach article, mul- 
riplied by il 
weight; products! 
wdded, aggregates 
compared from 
ane period to an- 
sther on a per- 
centage basis; 
percentage differ- 
=nce linked to 
index number for 
ast preceding 
deriod gives cur- 
:ent index num- 
’ercentage of 
change in aggre- 
zate rents from 
one period to an- 
other linked to 
index humber 
‘ast preceding 
period gives cur- 
rent index num- 
Cost per ton of coal, 
rates for gas and 
slectricity, multi 
plied by local con- 
sumption weights; 
for country as a 
whole, by average of 
32 cities; aggre- 
gates compared on 
percentage basis 
from one period to 
another; this per- 
centage linked to 
iast preceding in- 
lex number gives 
current index num. 
Products of average 
orices in each city 
multiplied by unit 
weights are added 
together; aggre- 
zates for 32 cit 
ies averaged; com. 
pared on a percent 
age basis from one 
period to another; 
this percentage 
linked to last pre- 
ceding index num- 
ber gives current 
index number. 
Products of aver- 
age prices in each 
city multiplied 
by unit weights; 
aggregates for 32 
cities averaged 
and compared 
with last preced- 
ing aggregate, on 
a percentage 
basis; this linked 
to last preceding 
index number 
gives current in- 
dex number.

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