Full text: The history of local rates in England in relation to the proper distribution of the burden of taxation

ACRE rates, 11, 21, 27-8, 35, 4I, 
Agricultural land, partial exemp- 
tion of, 130-1, 155, 194-6; 
national grant in relief of rates 
on, 154-5 
Aliens deported, 59, 74 
Alms, 56-62, 64-5, 67-9 
Almshouse-rate, 73 
Alton poor-rate on personalty, g6 
Andover poor-rate on stock-in- 
trade, 94-5 
Assent, rates by common, 16, 49. 
67, 73-4, 108 
Assessments, monthly, 114-17 
Auditors of poor-law accounts, 
national grant for, 133 
BALFOUR, LORD, of Burleirh, 
Bedford Level, 112 
* Beneficial,” 167, 180 
 Bettered,” 112 
Betterment charge, 125-6 
Blackpool, 204, 207 
Borough-rate, 17, 131 
Boston, poor-rate, 83-4 : church- 
rate, 106 
Bournemouth, 208 
Bradfield, 208 - 
Bradferd-on-Avon poor-rate on 
personalty, 96 
Braintree church-rate, 108 
Bridges, 9-10, 30-2, 20 
Bristol, paving-ratc on owners, 
128 ; workhouse-rate on stocks 
and cstates, 88-9; hizhway 
to Gloucester, 7, 40-- 
Bromley, 208 
Burgesses in Parliament, wages 
of, 21, 34% 
CALAIS burgesses in Parliament. 
Canals, three-fourths exemption 
of, 130-1 
Canterbury poor-rate on stock- 
in-trade, 91 
Cardiff Bridge, 32-3 
Carriage duty, 139, 141 
Cattle, rating of, 15, 16, 23, 86 
Causeway, 16. Sre Highway 
Centimes additionels, 20, 140 
Chepstow Bridge, 48 
Chester Bridge, 12 
Chichester walls, 17, 22 nu. 
Choughs and crows, 34, 50 
Christchurch, 208 
Church-rate, 14-16, 24-6, 79-80. 
Communist ideal of distribution, 
Counstable’s-rate, 110 
Contracts set aside, 36, 129 =n. 
Conveyance of poor and vaga- 
bonds, 58-9, 65, 67, 109 2., 
110 2. ; of malefactors, 47, 50, 
110 2. 

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