Full text: Report on the trade in refrigerated beef, mutton and lamb

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries is issuing a series of 
Reports on economic subjects connected with Agriculture, including 
methods of marketing home grown and imported agricultural 
produce as follows :— oo To 
No. 1. Co-operative Marketing of Agricultural Produce in England 
~ and Wales. (Issued.) Post free 1s. 81d. 
No. 2. The ‘Stabilisation of Agricultural Prices: Report of a 
Committee appointed to enquire into this subject. (Issued.) 
Post free 1s. 71d. | 
No. 3. The Economic Resources of Canada in relation to British 
Food Supplies. Report by Sir Henry Rew, K.C.B. (Issued.) 
~~, Post free 1s, 8d. 
No. 4. Large-scale Co-operative Marketing in the United States. 
(Issued.) Post free 1s. 9d. 
Ne. 5. The Co-operative Purchase of Agricultural Requisites in 
England and Wales. (Issued.) Post free 1s. 8d. 
No.8. The Trade in Refrigerated Beef, Mutton. and - Lamb. 
 (Issued.) Post free 1s. 71d. Co 
No.7. .Report on Wool Marketing in England and Wales. 
. (In preparation.) B oo 
No. 8. Agricultural Credit in England and Wales. (In prepara~ 
tion.) N Co : i 
No. 9. Report on the Marketing of Potatoes in England and 
~ Wales. (In preparation.) IE 
No. 10. Report on Egg Marketing. (In preparation.) 
Other Reports will follow. 
These Reports may be obtained, price 1s. 6d. each net (post 
free, prices being given separately), from the addresses given 
on the cover of this Report. 
D4Q 7

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