Full text: Safety code for rubber mills and calenders

The following is a list of all bulletins of the Bureau of Labor Statistics published since 
July, 1912, except that in the case of bulletins giving the results of periodic surveys of the 
bureau only the latest bulletin on any one subject is here listed. 
A complete list of the reports and bulletins issued prior to July, 1912, as well as the balle- 
tins published since that date, will be furnished on application. Bulletins marked thus (*) 
are out of print. 
Conciliation and Arbitration (including strikes and lockouts). 
+No. 124. Conciliation and arbitration in the building trades of Greater New York. 
¢No. 133. Report of the industrial council of the British Board of Trade in its 
inquiry into industrial agreements. [1913.] 
*No. 139. Michigan copper district strike. [1914.] 
No. 144. Industrial court of the cloak. suit, and skirt industry of New York City. 
No. 145. Conciliation, arbitration, and sanitation in the dress and waist industry 
of New York City. [1914.] 
*No. 191. Collective bargaining in the anthracite coal industry. [1916.] 
“No. 198. Collective agreements in the men’s clothing industry. [1916.] 
No. 233. Operation of the industrial disputes investigation act of Canada. [1918.] 
No. 255. loint industrial councils in Great Britain. [1919.] 
No. 283. ‘listory of the Shipbuilding Labor Adjustment Board, 1917 to 1919. 
No. 287. National War Labor Board: Historv of its formation, activities, ete 
No. 303. se of Federal power in settlement of railway labor disputes. [1922] 
No. 341. [rade agreement in the silk-ribbon industry of New York City. [1923.] 
No. 402. Collective bargaining by actors. 11926.) 
No 419. Trade acreements. 1925. 
No. 313. Consumers’ cooperative societies in the United States in 1920. 
No. 314. Cooperative credit societies in .America and in foreign countries. [1922.] 
No. 437. Cooperative movement in the United States in 1925 (other than agricul- 
Employment and Unemployment. 
“No. 109 Statistics of unemployment and the work of emnlovment offices in the 
United States. [1913.] 
No. 172. Unemployment in New York City, N. Y. [1915.] 
*No. 183. Regularity of employment in the women's recadv-to-wear girment indus- 
tries. [1915.] 
No. 195. Unemployment in the United States. {[1916.] 
No. 196. Proceedings of the Employment Managers’ (Conference held at Minneap- 
olis, Minn., January, 1916. 
*Na 202. Proceedings of the conference of Employment Managers’ Association of 
Boston, Mass., held May 10, 1916. 
No. 206. The British system of labor exchanges. [1916.] 
“No. 227. Procecdings of the Employment Managers’ Conference, I’hiladelphia, Ia. 
April 2 and 3, 1917. 
No. 235. Employment system of the Lake Carriers’ Association. [1918.] 
‘No. 241, Public employment offices in the United States. [1918.] 
No. 247. Proceedings of Employment Managers’ Conference. Rochester. N. Y.. Mav 
9-11, 1918. 
No. 310. Industrial unemployment: A statistical study of its cxtent and causes 
No. 409. Unemployment in Columbus, Ohio, 1921 to 1923 
Foreign Labor Laws. 
“No. 142. Administration of labor laws and faetorv inspection in certain European 
sountries. [1914.1

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