Full text: Safety code for rubber mills and calenders

Labor Laws of the United States (including decisions of courts relating to 
No. 211. Labor laws and their administration in the Pacific States. [1917.] 
No. 229. Vage payment legislation in the United States. [1917.] 
No. 285. sinimum-wage legislation in the United States. [1921.] 
No. 321. Labor laws that have been declared unconstitutional. [1922.] 
No. 322. <ansas Court of Industrial Relations. [1923.] 
No. 343. aws providing for bureaus of labor statistics. ete. [1923.] 
No. 370. abor laws of the United States, with decisions of courts relating thereto. 
No. 408. Laws relating to payment of wages. [1926.] 
No. 434. Labor legislation of 1926. 
vo. 444. Decisions of courts and opinions affecting labor, 1926. (In press. 
Proceedings of Annual Conventions of the Association of Governmentzl Labor 
Officials of the United States and Canada. 
No. 266. Seventh, Seattle, Wash., July 12-15, 1920. 
No. 307. Eighth, New Orleans, La., May 2-6, 1921. 
No. 323. Ninth, Ilarrisburg, I’a., May 22-26, 1922. 
No. 352. Tenth, Richmond, Va., May 1-4, 1923. 
No. 389. Eleventh, Chicago, Iil.,, May 19-23, 1924. 
No. 411. Twelfth, Salt Lake City, Utakl, August 13-15, 1925. 
Va. 429. Thirteenth. Columbus. Ohio, June 7-10, 1926. 
Proceedings of Annual Meetings of the International Association of Industrial 
iecident Boards and Commissions. 
*No. 210. Third, Columbus, Ohio, April 25-28, 1916. 
No. 248. Fourth, Boston, Mass., August 21-25, 1917. 
No. 264. Fifth, Madison, Wis., September 24-27, 1918. 
“No. 273. 3ixth, Toronto, Canada, September 23-26, 1919. 
No. 281, 3cventh, San Francisco, Calif., September 20-24, 1920 
No. 304. <tizhth, Chicazo, Ill, September 19-23, 1921. 
No. 333. Ninth, Baltimore, Md., Octoler 9-13, 1922. 
No. 339. Centh, St. Paul, Minn., September 24-26, 1923. 
No. 385. Eleventh, Halifax, Nova Scotia, .\ugust 26-28, 1924. 
No. 395. Index to proceedings, 1914-1924, 
No. 406. Twelfth, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 17-20, 19235. 
<n 1432. Thirteenth, Hartford, Conn., September 14-17, 1926. 
Proceedings of Annual Meetings ¢f International Association of Public Em- 
ployment Services. 
No. 192, First, Chicago, December 19 and 20, 1913; Second, Indiananolis. September 
24 and 25, 1914; Third, Detroit, July 1 and 2, 19135. 
No. 220. Fourth, Buffalo, N. Y., July 20 and 21, 1916. 
No. 311. Ninth, Buffalo, N. Y., September 7-9, 1921. 
No. 337. Tenth, Washington, D. C., September 11-13, 1922. 
No. 335. Eleventh, Toronto, Canada, September 4-7, 1923. 
No. 400. Twelfth, Chicago, Ill, May 19-23. 1924. 
No. 414. Thirteenth. Rochester. N. Y.. September 153-17. 10°25 
Productivity of Labor. 
No. 356. Productivity costs in the common-brick industry. [1924.] 
No. 360. Time and labor costs in manufacturing 100 pairs of shoes. [1924.] 
No 407. Labor cost of production and wages and hours of l:bor in the paper box 
board industry. 
No. 412. Wages, hours, and productivity in the pottery industry, 1923. 
No. 441. Prodnetivity of lahor in the glass indnstrv. [1927.1 (In press.) 
Retail Prices and Cost of Living. 
*No. 121, Sugar prices, from refiner to consumer [1913.] 
*No. 130. Wheat and flour prices, from farmer to consumer. 
*No. 164. Butter prices, from producer to consumer. [191 
No. 170. Foreign food prices as affected by the war. [191¢ 
No. 357. Cost of living in the United States. [1924.] 
No. 369. The use of cost-of-living figures in wage adjustments. 
No. 445. Retail prices. 1890 to 1928. (In press.) 

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