Object: error

Article 13. 
The General Meetings of shareholders constitute the full legal representa- 
tion of the Company. The Ordinary General Meeting shall be summoned to take 
place every year at Tallinn, not later than in May, to decide the matters 
referred to in Article 21. 
Article 14. 
Extraordinary General Meetings shall be convened by the Board of Direc- 
tors when necessary. Upon the request in writing of duly qualified shareholders 
(vide Articles 15 and 18), representing at least one-quarter of the Share Capital, 
an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the Board of Directors 
within 30 days. Every such demand shall be accompanied by the motions which 
are to be submitied to the Extraordinary General Meeting and by a statement 
of the arguments in support of them. 
Article 15. 
Every shareholder, who has been inscribed in the Register of the Bank 
for not less than six months and who owns at least 10 shares, is entitled to 
speak and vote at the General Meeting, each share conferring upon the holder 
the right of one vote, subject to the proviso that no one shareholder is entitled 
to have more than 1,000 votes in his own name. As proxy for cther sharehol- 
ders he may have the right to cast further votes not exceeding 1,000. 
Article 16. 
Every shareholder is entitled to transfer his right of voting at a General 
Meeting to some other shareholder, subject to the limitation of voting power 
mentioned in Article 15. The Board of Directors shall prescribe the form in 
which the right of voting shall be given, and the proxies must be handed in to 
the Board of Management not less than 7 days before the Meeting. 
Article 17. 
Societies, business corporations and other juridical persons, and wards, 
shall exercise their right to vote at a General Meeting through their legal re- 
Article 18. 
The following persons shall not be entitled to exercise the rights of share- 
holders at General Meetings: — 
(2) Bankrupts, during the period of the limitation of their rights. 
(b) Persons who have not fulfilled their obligations towards the Bank or 
whose bills have been protested, as long as such protestation remains on the 
(c) Persons whose civil or political rights or privileges have been curtailed 
or withdrawn as a result of conviction for a criminal offence, as long as such 
curtailment or withdrawal lasts.

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