Full text: Commercial forestry and the community

Even about Cincinnati, the center of a great and prosperous agricul- 
tural region, 14 per cent of the land area is forest land. 
In short, more than 70 per cent of the land of the United 
States best suited for timber growth lies east of the Great Plains. 
Nearly three-fourths of our future forest growth could be in this 
same region. Thus a relatively large percentage of our forests of 
the future will be within short distances of our large urban con- 
suming centers. 
There is every opportunity for communities which take the 
necessary steps to promote and encourage commercial forestry to 
realize the wealth produced by complete land utilization, especially 
for those areas near large consuming markets. Local forest 
growth could supply much of the local demand and reduce the 
necessity of long expensive freight hauls. 
It is essential that all land produce its proper share of com- 
munity wealth. Idle or partially productive forest land cannot 
contribute its share. It cannot pay its share of local government 
expense nor can it support its share of the local population. More 
important, even, it cannot supply its share of our community and 
national wood requirements. 

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